AWS810 Solar Edition SMSAWS message - AWS810-SOLAR

AWS810 Solar Edition System Description

Document code
Document type
Technical description

This description covers the full content of the message, but the actual content varies according to the system configuration.

Observation tags consist of the following fields, separated by the pipe character (|):

<parameter|<statistics>|<period>|<height>|<sequence number>|<unit>|

For example: GHI|AVG|PT1M||1|W/M2|

Table reading instructions
Value Description
Parameter Code identifying the parameter
Statistics Calculated statistics type
Period Statistics period or value polling interval
Sequence number Sequence number in case multiple sources for the same parameter exist
Unit Unit of measure
Description Description of the parameter
Message header parameters in AWS810 Solar Edition SMSAWS message
Parameter Description
station name Station name (defined in station parameters)
latitude Station latitude (defined in station parameters)
longitude Station longitude (defined in station parameters)
altitude Station altitude from the mean sea level (defined in station parameters)
DATE Date of data message generation
TIME Time of data message generation
MSGID Message identifier, running number, not unique
Measurement parameters in AWS810 Solar Edition SMSAWS message
Parameter Statistics Period Sequence number Unit Description
ALBEDO Value 1 minute 1 Albedo
ALBEDO Average 24 hours 1 Albedo
GHI Average 1 minute 1 W/m² Global horizontal irradiance #1
GHI Average 1 minute 2 W/m² Global horizontal irradiance #2
GHI_R Average 1 minute 1 W/m² Reflected global horizontal irradiance
MST Value 1 minute 9 Soiling detector status
OPMODE Value 1 minute 9 Soiling detector operation mode
PA Average 1 minute 1 hPa Barometric pressure
POAI Average 1 minute 1 W/m² Plane of array irradiance #1
POAI Average 1 minute 2 W/m² Plane of array irradiance #2
PR Sum 24 hours 1 mm Rain accumulation
PRF Value 1 minute 1 mm/h Rainfall intensity
PVT Average 1 minute 1 °C Photovoltaic panel temperature #1
PVT Average 1 minute 2 °C Photovoltaic panel temperature #2
PVT Average 1 minute 3 °C Photovoltaic panel temperature #3
PVT Average 1 minute 4 °C Soiling measurement panel temperature
PVSRT Value 1 minute 1 % Photovoltaic panel soiling ratio #1
PVSRT Average 24 hours 1 % Photovoltaic panel soiling ratio #1
PVSRT Value 1 minute 2 % Photovoltaic panel soiling ratio #2
PVSRT Average 24 hours 2 % Photovoltaic panel soiling ratio #2
PVTRLS Value 1 minute 1 % Photovoltaic panel transmission loss #1
PVTRLS Average 24 hours 1 % Photovoltaic panel transmission loss #1
PVTRLS Value 1 minute 2 % Photovoltaic panel transmission loss #2
PVTRLS Average 24 hours 2 % Photovoltaic panel transmission loss #2
RH Average 1 minute 1 % Relative humidity
RPOAI Average 1 minute 1 W/m² Rear side plane of array irradiance #1
RPOAI Average 1 minute 2 W/m² Rear side plane of array irradiance #2
RPOAI Average 1 minute 3 W/m² Rear side plane of array irradiance #3
TA Average 1 minute 1 °C Air temperature
TD Average 1 minute 1 °C Dew point temperature
TILT_X Value 1 second 1 deg X axis tilt angle for GHI sensor #1
TILT_X Value 1 second 2 deg X axis tilt angle for GHI sensor #2
TILT_X Value 1 second 3 deg X axis tilt angle for reflected GHI sensor
TILT_X Value 1 second 4 deg X axis tilt angle for POAI sensor #1
TILT_X Value 1 second 5 deg X axis tilt angle for POAI sensor #2
TILT_X Value 1 second 6 deg X axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #1
TILT_X Value 1 second 7 deg X axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #2
TILT_X Value 1 second 8 deg X axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #3
TILT_X Value 1 minute 9 deg X axis tilt angle soiling detector
TILT_Y Value 1 second 1 deg Y axis tilt angle for GHI sensor #1
TILT_Y Value 1 second 2 deg Y axis tilt angle for GHI sensor #2
TILT_Y Value 1 second 3 deg Y axis tilt angle for reflected GHI sensor
TILT_Y Value 1 second 4 deg Y axis tilt angle for POAI sensor #1
TILT_Y Value 1 second 5 deg Y axis tilt angle for POAI sensor #2
TILT_Y Value 1 second 6 deg Y axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #1
TILT_Y Value 1 second 7 deg Y axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #2
TILT_Y Value 1 second 8 deg Y axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #3
TILT_Y Value 1 minute 9 deg Y axis tilt angle soiling detector
WD Average 1 minute 1 m/s Wind direction
WS Average 1 minute 1 m/s Wind speed