Vaisala Automatic Weather Station AWS810 Solar Edition - AWS810-SOLAR

AWS810 Solar Edition System Description

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Technical description

Vaisala Automatic Weather Station AWS810 is a weather data collection system that automatically measures, processes, and stores meteorological data. The AWS810 Solar Edition is optimized to be used in solar power plants. The station provides weather data and helps monitoring the solar energy performance.

AWS810 Solar Edition provides the following on-site weather observations:
  • Global, diffuse, and reflected solar irradiance
  • Temperature, pressure, and humidity
  • Wind speed and direction
  • Rain

In addition, soiling sensors provide information about soiling of the solar panels, and temperature sensors measure the PV (photovoltaic) module temperature. Solar power plant systems use the weather data for performance ratio calculation, which helps them to monitor theoretical power output and detect deviations.

AWS810 Solar Edition is designed according to the guidelines in IEC 61724‑1 (standard for photovoltaic system performance).

The station comes preconfigured for solar applications. It can be customized with different sensor configurations according to, for example, the required observations and the size of the solar power plant.

All observation data from the sensors is collected and processed in DMU801 data management unit. To process the observation data, DMU801 performs advanced algorithm calculations. In addition, DMU801 validates sensor data accuracy using preconfigured criteria before sending the data forward to computers connected over the network, where the data is further processed and displayed to the user.

AWS810 Solar Edition can be integrated with the solar power plant's SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system through a Modbus TCP (SunSpec) interface or Ethernet connection.

AWS810 Solar Edition can also be connected to Vaisala cloud service (Xweather Insight) that provides access to observation data from the connected sensors.

AWS810 Solar Edition system