Modbus registers - PR53 - PR53AC - PR53AP - PR53GC - PR53GP - PR53M - PR53SD - PR53W

PR53 Series User Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide
Measurement data registers (read-only)
Register number (decimal) Address (hexadecimal) Register description Data format Unit
3 0x0002 Concentration 32-bit float *
5 0x0004 Temperature 32-bit float °C
7 0x0006 Raw concentration 32-bit float *
9 0x0008 Refractive index 32-bit float
11 0x000A Quality factor 16-bit integer

* Depends on the active concentration curve

Measurement diagnostic registers (read-only)
Register number (decimal) Address (hexadecimal) Register description Data format Unit/ Valid range /Writable
529 0x0210

Light area

32-bit float %
531 0x0212 Ambient light 32-bit integer
533 0x0214 Internal temperature 32-bit float °C
535 0x0216 Internal relative humidity 32-bit float %RH
537 0x0218 Light exposure 32-bit float %
539 0x021A Analog output 1 output level 32-bit float mA
541 0x021C Adjusted concentration 32-bit float *
543 0x021E Adjusted temperature 32-bit float °C
545 0x0220 Raw temperature 32-bit float °C
547 0x0222 Measurement number 32-bit integer
553 0x0228 Temperature stable 16-bit integer

0 = not stable

1 = stable

* Depends on the active concentration curve

Status registers (read-only)
Register number (decimal) Address (hexadecimal) Register description Data format
515 0x0202 Error code 32-bit integer
517 0x0204 Error subcode 32-bit integer
Error subcode is meant to be sent to Vaisala service along with error code.Error code encoding
MSB 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB
System Environment Calculation Temperature Image
Error code register value Corresponding error
Image detection status
1 Image quality low.
2 External light level high.
3 Prism coating detected.
4 No liquid detected.
5 No optical image.
6 External light level too high.
Temperature measurement status
1 Temperature measurement error.

Measurement statuses are listed in priority order. Higher values are prioritized.

Error code register value Corresponding error
Calculation errors
0x01 Concentration out of concentration curve range.
0x02 Temperature out of concentration curve range.
0x04 Invalid calculation parameters.
0x08 Calibration mode active.
Environmental errors
0x01 Internal temperature too high.
0x02 Internal humidity too high.
System errors
0x01 Blank image corrupted.

If several errors are active at the same time, the Modbus error code register contains the sum of currently active error codes.

Device information registers (read-only)
Register number (decimal) Address (hexadecimal) Register description Data format Example output
7425 0x1D00–0x1D07 VendorName text “Vaisala Oyj”



ProductCode text “PR53”
7441 0x1D10–0x1D17 SerialNumber text “J1140501”



FirmwareVersion text “1.0.0”
Configuration registers
Register number (decimal) Address (hexadecimal) Register description Data format Unit / Valid range
771 0x0302 Damping type 16-bit integer

0 = Exponential

1 = Linear

2 = Slew rate

772 0x0303 Damping time 16-bit integer s
773 0x0304 Slew rate 32-bit float *
775 0x0306 Tolerance time 16-bit integer s
Concentration curve management
776 0x0307 Number of concentration curves 16-bit integer Read-only
778 0x0309 Select curve 16-bit integer

0 = concentration curve 1

1 = concentration curve 2

2 = concentration curve 3

3 = concentration curve 4

1537 0x0600 Address 16-bit integer 1–247
1538 0x0601 Bit rate (b/s) 16-bit integer

0 = 300

1 = 600

2 = 1200

3 = 2400

4 = 4800

5 = 9600

6 = 19200

7 = 28800

8 = 38400

9 = 57600

10 = 76800

11 = 115200

1539 0x0602 Parity, data, stop bits 16-bit integer

0 = None, 8, 1

1 = None, 8, 2

2 = Even, 8, 1

3 = Even, 8, 2

4 = Odd, 8, 1

5 = Odd, 8, 2

1540 0x0603 Response delay 16-bit integer 0–1000 ms
1541 0x0604 Restart device 16-bit integer

When writing to register:

1 = Restart the device

Analog output 1
1794 0x0701 Scale low end 32-bit float *
1796 0x0703 Scale high end 32-bit float *
1798 0x0705 Error output level 32-bit float 0.0–20.5 mA
1800 0x0707 No sample error output 16-bit integer

0 = Disabled

1 = Enabled

1801 0x0708 No sample error output level 32-bit float 0.0–20.5 mA
Temperature offset
8967 0x2306 T offset 32-bit float °C

* Depends on the active concentration curve

Concentration curve configuration registers
Register number (decimal) Address (hexadecimal) Register description Data format Unit Writable
0 + base


0x0004 + base

Identifier text No
5 + base 0x0005 + base Solvent type 16-bit integer

0 = Other

1 = Water-based

6 + base 0x0006 + base Concentration minimum 32-bit float * No
0x0007 + base
8 + base 0x0008 + base Concentration maximum 32-bit float * No
0x0009 + base
10 + base 0x000A + base Temperature minimum 32-bit float °C No
0x000B + base
12 + base 0x000C + base Temperature maximum 32-bit float °C No
0x000D + base
14 + base


0x002D + base

Description text No
95 + base 0x005F + base Chemical coefficients, C00 32-bit float Yes
0x0060 + base
97 + base 0x0061 + base Chemical coefficients, C01 32-bit float Yes
0x0062 + base
99 + base 0x0063 + base Chemical coefficients, C02 32-bit float Yes
0x0064 + base
101 + base 0x0065 + base Chemical coefficients, C03 32-bit float Yes
0x0066 + base
103 + base 0x0067 + base Chemical coefficients, C10 32-bit float Yes
0x0068 + base
105 + base 0x0069 + base Chemical coefficients, C11 32-bit float Yes
0x006A + base
107 + base 0x006B + base Chemical coefficients, C12 32-bit float Yes
0x006C + base
109 + base 0x006D + base Chemical coefficients, C13 32-bit float Yes
0x006E + base
111 + base 0x006F + base Chemical coefficients, C20 32-bit float Yes
0x0070 + base
113 + base 0x0071 + base Chemical coefficients, C21 32-bit float Yes
0x0072 + base
115 + base 0x0073 + base Chemical coefficients, C22 32-bit float Yes
0x0074 + base
117 + base 0x0075 + base Chemical coefficients, C23 32-bit float Yes
0x0076 + base
119 + base 0x0077 + base Chemical coefficients, C30 32-bit float Yes
0x0078 + base
121 + base 0x0079 + base Chemical coefficients, C31 32-bit float Yes
0x007A + base
123 + base 0x007B + base Chemical coefficients, C32 32-bit float Yes
0x007C + base
125 + base 0x007D + base Chemical coefficients, C33 32-bit float Yes
0x007E + base
127 + base

0x007F …

0x009E + base

Name text Yes
159 + base 0x009F + base Field offset 32-bit float * Yes
0x00A0 + base
131 + base 0x00A1 + base Field gain 32-bit float Yes
0x00A2 + base
Concentration curve bases
3073 0x0C00 Concentration curve 1
3329 0x0D00 Concentration curve 2
3585 0x0E00 Concentration curve 3
3841 0x0F00 Concentration curve 4

* Depends on the active concentration curve

Test value registers
Register number (decimal) Address (hexadecimal) Register description Data format Test value
7937 0x1F00 Signed integer test 16-bit integer -12345
7938 0x1F01 Floating point test 32-bit float -123.45
7940 0x1F03 Text string test text Text string “-123.45”
Device identification objects
Object ID Object ID (hexadecimal) Object name Example contents
0 0x00 VendorName “Vaisala”
1 0x01 ProductCode “PR53”
2 0x02 MajorMinorVersion ”1.0.0”
3 0x03 VendorUrl “”
4 0x04 ProductName “Polaris™ process refractometer”
5 0x05 ModelName “PR53AC”
128 0x80 SerialNumber 1 “J1140501”
129 0x81 CalibrationDate 1


Calibration date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Empty string if not set/valid.

130 0x82 CalibrationText 1


Calibration information text. Empty string if not set/valid.

1 Vaisala-specific device information object