Troubleshooting messages - PR53 - PR53AC - PR53AP - PR53GC - PR53GP - PR53M - PR53SD - PR53W

PR53 Series User Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide
Hardware troubleshooting
Problem Severity level Cause Corrective action
Message Internal humidity too high. Error

The relative humidity measured at the refractometer's processor card exceeds 60 %RH. The reason may be moisture leaking in through the prism seal or the cover being open.

Make sure that the prism seal is intact and the cover is closed.

If necessary, replace the prism seal.

Message Internal temperature too high. Error
The temperature on the sensor processor card exceeds +65 °C (+150 °F). To read this temperature,
  • in Indigo520, go to Menu > <your refractometer> > Diagnostics.
  • in Insight, go to <your refractometer> > Diagnostics .
Make sure you are using the device in the right temperature. See the ambient and process temperature in the model-specific specifications.

Indigo520: No devices connected / Disconnected

Insight: No connected devices in the start screen


The cables are not properly connected.

The refractometer is connected to both Indigo520 and Insight.

Make sure that cables are properly connected at both ends.

If the refractometer is connected to both Indigo520 and Insight, it prioritizes Indigo520 and is not visible to Insight.

If you are able to open the refractometer cover, make sure that the green LED is on. This means that the refractometer is powered.

Relays not working n/a

Relays may be in test mode. Make sure using Indigo520 that the test mode is inactive in Menu > Inputs and outputs > Relays > Test mode.

For testing the wash function, see PR53 Prism Wash System User Guide (M212808EN).

Analog output signal is not working as expected n/a

Check wiring, see the model-specific installation guide.

If the analog output signal does not correspond to the concentration display, check output signal configuration, see Diagnostics.

For possible correction, configure the analog output.

A low analog output signal can also be caused by high resistance in the external current loop, see Refractometer connections.

A noisy signal can be damped, see
Measurement troubleshooting
Problem Severity level Cause Corrective action
Message No optical image. Critical

To see the optical image, you need to view the Diagnostics menu in Indigo520 or Insight.

There are several possible causes:

  1. The prism is heavily coated. Perform prism wash if available, see PR53 Prism Wash System User Guide (M212808EN). If the prism wash is not available, remove the refractometer from process line and clean the prism manually.
  2. There is moisture condensation in the refractometer head.
  3. The refractometer head temperature is too high.
  4. The light source is faulty. When the refractometer is removed from the process, a yellow flashing light can be seen through the prism.
    The light is only visible at an oblique angle. Also check the LED value in the Diagnostics view; if the value is clearly below 100, LED fault is not likely.
  5. There are negative spikes in the optical image. The probable cause is dust on the optical element.
  6. The CCD card in the refractometer is faulty.
Message Blank image corrupted. Critical Blank image is missing or corrupted. Create a new blank image. See Blank image. Contact
Message External light level too high. Error The measurement is not possible because too much outside light reaches the camera. Identify the light source (for example sun shining into an open tank or a translucent pipe) and block the light from getting to the prism at the sensor tip.
Message Prism coating detected. Error The optical surface of the prism is coated by the process medium or impurities in the process medium.

Perform prism wash if available, see PR53 Prism Wash System User Guide (M212808EN). If prism wash is not available, remove the refractometer from process line and clean prism manually.

If the problem is recurrent, consider improving the flow conditions, see model-specific installation guide. If prism wash is available, adjust the wash parameters, see PR53 Prism Wash System User Guide (M212808EN).

Message Temperature measurement error. Error A temperature element is faulty.

Contact your distributor or, the temperature element may need to be replaced.

Note that a difference to some other process temperature measurement is not a fault. PR53 measures the true temperature of the prism surface.

Message Invalid calculation parameters. Error The A parameters are incorrect. Perform RI adjustment or contact
Message C measurement out of concentration curve range. Warning Concentration measurement is outside of the range defined in the concentration curve. If the measurement concentration is other than the valid range for the used curve, the measurement result may be unreliable.
  1. Make sure that the measurement is correct. If yes, consider if the used concentration curve is suitable for the process. Contact your sales representative or
  2. If you know that the measurement does not correspond to the assumed concentration value, the range of the measurement may be outside of the valid range defined by the concentration curve. Contact
Message T measurement out of concentration curve range. Warning Temperature measurement is outside of the range defined in the concentration curve. If the measurement temperature is other than the valid range for the used curve, the measurement result may be unreliable.
  1. Make sure that the measurement is correct. If yes, consider if the used concentration curve is suitable for the process. Contact your sales representative or
Message External light level high. Warning Some light from the outside reaches the sensor and may disturb the measurement. Identify the light source (for example sun shining into an open tank or a translucent pipe) and block the light from getting to the prism at the sensor tip.
Message Image quality low. Warning The most likely cause for this message is scaling on the prism. There still is an optical image available, but the measurement quality may not be optimal. Clean the prism.
Message No liquid detected. Warning The operation of the equipment is OK but there is no process liquid on the prism.
Message Calibration mode active. Warning The refractometer can be set to calibration mode in the context of RI calibration check. When calibration mode is active, the refractometer will not calculate the concentration. Make sure that the calibration mode is off in all used user interfaces.
Unexpected concentration drift n/a

For drift upward, suspect prism coating, see PR53 Prism Wash System User Guide (M212808EN). Otherwise make sure calibration is correct, see RI calibration, as well as RI adjustment, see RI adjustment. The latter can only be done with Insight.

A good way to observe the possible concentration drift is to check the measurement log from Indigo520, if available. In addition to RI and concentration, this log includes the QF value, the changes of which can indicate prism coating. See Indigo500 User Guide (M212287EN).