NetCDF example file, attenuated backscatter - DA10

DA10 User Guide

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User guide

Here is an example of a netCDF attenuated backscatter file that DA10 produces.

netcdf file:DA10_ABS_U2910121_20231220T112001Z {
    layer = 5;
    module = 2;
    range = 3741;
    time = UNLIMITED;   // (5 currently)
    short airplane_filter_max_range;
      airplane_filter_max_range:comment = "maximum range where airplane echoes are filtered to prevent false cloud detection";
      airplane_filter_max_range:_FillValue = -999S;
      airplane_filter_max_range:units = "m";
      airplane_filter_max_range:long_name = "Airplane filter max range";

    double azimuth_angle(module);
      azimuth_angle:_FillValue = -999.0;
      azimuth_angle:units = "degrees";
      azimuth_angle:long_name = "Measurement azimuth angle";
      azimuth_angle:standard_name = "sensor_azimuth_angle";
      azimuth_angle:comment = "azimuth direction of tilted beam for each optics unit, clockwise positive from north";

    float beta_att(time, range);
      beta_att:_FillValue = -999.0f;
      beta_att:units = "1/(m*sr)";
      beta_att:long_name = "Attenuated volume backscatter coefficient";
      beta_att:coordinates = "time range longitude latitude";
      beta_att:averaging_time_in_seconds = 60;
      beta_att:_ChunkSizes = 1, 3741;

    double beta_att_noise_level(time);
      beta_att_noise_level:_FillValue = -999.0;
      beta_att_noise_level:long_name = "Noise level of the attenuated volume backscatter coefficient";
      beta_att_noise_level:comment = "a unitless number describing the noise level";
      beta_att_noise_level:_ChunkSizes = 5;

    double beta_att_sum(time);
      beta_att_sum:long_name = "Scaled integral of the attenuated volume backscatter coefficient";
      beta_att_sum:_FillValue = -999.0;
      beta_att_sum:units = "1/(10^4*sr)";
      beta_att_sum:_ChunkSizes = 5;

    int cloud_base_heights(time, layer);
      cloud_base_heights:_FillValue = -99;
      cloud_base_heights:units = "m";
      cloud_base_heights:long_name = "Heights (range) of the detected cloud bases";
      cloud_base_heights:coordinates = "time layer longitude latitude";
      cloud_base_heights:comment = "reported in vertical, or in the instrument beam direction, depending on tilt_correction setting";
      cloud_base_heights:_ChunkSizes = 1, 5;

    double cloud_calibration_factor;
      cloud_calibration_factor:_FillValue = -999.0;
      cloud_calibration_factor:long_name = "Factory cloud calibration value";
      cloud_calibration_factor:comment = "instrument specific beta_att calibration value measured at the factory";

    double cloud_calibration_factor_user;
      cloud_calibration_factor_user:_FillValue = -999.0;
      cloud_calibration_factor_user:long_name = "User set cloud calibration value";
      cloud_calibration_factor_user:comment = "instrument specific beta_att calibration value set by the user, same as the factory value by default";

    int cloud_penetration_depth(time, layer);
      cloud_penetration_depth:_FillValue = -99;
      cloud_penetration_depth:units = "m";
      cloud_penetration_depth:long_name = "Cloud penetration depth";
      cloud_penetration_depth:coordinates = "time layer longitude latitude";
      cloud_penetration_depth:comment = "reported in the instrument beam direction";
      cloud_penetration_depth:_ChunkSizes = 1, 5;

    int cloud_thickness(time, layer);
      cloud_thickness:_FillValue = -99;
      cloud_thickness:units = "m";
      cloud_thickness:long_name = "Cloud thickness";
      cloud_thickness:coordinates = "time layer longitude latitude";
      cloud_thickness:comment = "reported in the instrument beam direction";
      cloud_thickness:_ChunkSizes = 1, 5;

    int elevation;
      elevation:_FillValue = -999;
      elevation:units = "m";
      elevation:long_name = "Ground level altitude";
      elevation:standard_name = "ground_level_altitude";
      elevation:comment = "measurement site height above or below a fixed reference point, most commonly mean sea level";

    short fog_detection(time);
      fog_detection:_FillValue = -999S;
      fog_detection:long_name = "Detection of fog";
      fog_detection:comment = "detected/not-detected (1/0)";
      fog_detection:coordinates = "time longitude latitude";
      fog_detection:_ChunkSizes = 5;

    short height_offset(time);
      height_offset:_FillValue = -999S;
      height_offset:units = "m";
      height_offset:long_name = "Instrument height offset to ground level";
      height_offset:positive = "up";
      height_offset:comment = "instrument height offset relative to ground level, for example, when the instrument is placed on a roof of a building or below the ground level; the offset is added to the cloud base height results";
      height_offset:_ChunkSizes = 5;

    double latitude;
      latitude:standard_name = "latitude";
      latitude:_FillValue = -999.0;
      latitude:units = "degrees_north";
      latitude:long_name = "Latitude";

    int layer(layer);
      layer:_FillValue = -999;
      layer:units = "layer";
      layer:long_name = "Cloud layer";
      layer:comment = "1 ... 5: observed cloud layer or cloud base";

    double longitude;
      longitude:_FillValue = -999.0;
      longitude:units = "degrees_east";
      longitude:long_name = "Longitude";
      longitude:standard_name = "longitude";

    double merging_region(time, module);
      merging_region:_FillValue = -999.0;
      merging_region:units = "m";
      merging_region:long_name = "Merging region from near range to far range";
      merging_region:comment = "region where transition from near-range measurement to far-range measurement occurs";
      merging_region:_ChunkSizes = 1, 2;

    int module(module);
      module:comment = "1: near-range measurement unit, 2: far-range measurement unit";
      module:long_name = "Measurement unit";
      module:_FillValue = -999;

    float overlap_function(range);
      overlap_function:_FillValue = -999.0f;
      overlap_function:long_name = "Instrument specific overlap function";
      overlap_function:comment = "overlap function describes the part of the transmitted power that hits the receiver detector, as a function of distance, normalized to be unity at the distance of the best focus";

    short precipitation_detection(time);
      precipitation_detection:_FillValue = -999S;
      precipitation_detection:long_name = "Detection of ground reaching precipitation";
      precipitation_detection:comment = "detected/not-detected (1/0)";
      precipitation_detection:coordinates = "time longitude latitude";
      precipitation_detection:_ChunkSizes = 5;

    double range(range);
      range:_FillValue = -999.0;
      range:units = "m";
      range:long_name = "Measurement range";
      range:axis = "Z";
      range:positive = "up";
      range:comment = "measurement distance from the instrument in the direction of the transmitted laser beam";

    float range_resolution;
      range_resolution:_FillValue = -999.0f;
      range_resolution:units = "m";
      range_resolution:long_name = "Range resolution";
      range_resolution:comment = "distance between consecutive profile elements in the direction of the transmitted laser beam";

    float receiver_gain(time, module);
      receiver_gain:_FillValue = -999.0f;
      receiver_gain:long_name = "Receiver gain";
      receiver_gain:comment = "Value 1 corresponds to nominal gain";
      receiver_gain:_ChunkSizes = 1, 2;

    short sky_condition_cloud_layer_covers(time, layer);
      sky_condition_cloud_layer_covers:comment = "amount of cloud cover for different cloud layers for up to 5 layers";
      sky_condition_cloud_layer_covers:_FillValue = -99S;
      sky_condition_cloud_layer_covers:units = "oktas";
      sky_condition_cloud_layer_covers:long_name = "Cloud cover per cloud layer";
      sky_condition_cloud_layer_covers:coordinates = "time layer longitude latitude";
      sky_condition_cloud_layer_covers:_ChunkSizes = 1, 5;

    int sky_condition_cloud_layer_heights(time, layer);
      sky_condition_cloud_layer_heights:_FillValue = -99;
      sky_condition_cloud_layer_heights:units = "m";
      sky_condition_cloud_layer_heights:long_name = "Cloud layer heights";
      sky_condition_cloud_layer_heights:coordinates = "time layer longitude latitude";
      sky_condition_cloud_layer_heights:comment = "heights for different cloud layers for up to 5 layers, reported in vertical, or in the instrument beam direction, depending on tilt_correction setting";
      sky_condition_cloud_layer_heights:_ChunkSizes = 1, 5;

    short sky_condition_total_cloud_cover(time);
      sky_condition_total_cloud_cover:_FillValue = -99S;
      sky_condition_total_cloud_cover:units = "oktas";
      sky_condition_total_cloud_cover:long_name = "Total cloud cover";
      sky_condition_total_cloud_cover:comment = "total amount of cloud cover aggregated across cloud layers";
      sky_condition_total_cloud_cover:coordinates = "time longitude latitude";
      sky_condition_total_cloud_cover:_ChunkSizes = 5;

    float tilt_angle(time, module);
      tilt_angle:_FillValue = -999.0f;
      tilt_angle:units = "degrees";
      tilt_angle:long_name = "Optics unit tilt angle from the vertical";
      tilt_angle:standard_name = "zenith_angle";
      tilt_angle:_ChunkSizes = 1, 2;

    short tilt_correction(time);
      tilt_correction:_FillValue = -999S;
      tilt_correction:long_name = "Tilt correction";
      tilt_correction:comment = "on/off (1/0): when correction is on, cloud bases are reported in vertical direction; when correction is off, in beam direction.";
      tilt_correction:_ChunkSizes = 5;

    double time(time);
      time:_FillValue = -999.0;
      time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000";
      time:long_name = "UTC time";
      time:axis = "T";
      time:standard_name = "time";
      time:cf_role = "profile_id";
      time:comment = "represents the end of the averaging period";
      time:_ChunkSizes = 5;

    int vertical_visibility(time);
      vertical_visibility:_FillValue = -99;
      vertical_visibility:units = "m";
      vertical_visibility:long_name = "Vertical visibility";
      vertical_visibility:coordinates = "time longitude latitude";
      vertical_visibility:comment = "reported in the instrument beam direction";
      vertical_visibility:_ChunkSizes = 1024;

  group: monitoring {
      double time(time);
        time:long_name = "UTC time";
        time:axis = "T";
        time:standard_name = "time";
        time:_FillValue = -999.0;
        time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000";
        time:_ChunkSizes = 5;

      float laser_power_percent(time, module);
        laser_power_percent:_FillValue = -999.0f;
        laser_power_percent:units = "percent";
        laser_power_percent:long_name = "Laser power percent";
        laser_power_percent:comment = "laser output power relative to the laser power measured at factory";
        laser_power_percent:_ChunkSizes = 1, 2;

      float window_condition(time);
        window_condition:_FillValue = -999.0f;
        window_condition:units = "percent";
        window_condition:long_name = "Window condition (near range unit)";
        window_condition:comment = "100 for a clean, 0 for a totally dirty window";
        window_condition:_ChunkSizes = 5;


  group: status {
  // global attributes:
  :title = "Vaisala DIAL Atmospheric Profiler DA10";
  :institution = "";
  :source = "DA10 gateway";
  :instrument_serial_number = "U2910121";
  :Conventions = "CF-1.8";
  :schema_version = "v1.5";
  :algorithm_version = "3.0.12";
  :gateway_firmware_version = "1.1.3";
  :dac_far_firmware_version = "2.0.0";
  :dac_near_firmware_version = "2.0.0";
  :history = "";
  :comment = "";
  :unit = "m";
  :file_temporal_span_in_minutes = 5;
  :profile_interval_in_seconds = 60;
  :overlap_function_provided = 0;
  :overlap_is_corrected = 1;
airplane_filter_max_range =-999
azimuth_angle =
  {-999.0, -999.0}
beta_att =
    {6.737558E-7, 6.5805216E-7, 6.476669E-7, 6.3866094E-7, ... , 3.71657E-7, -2.4253336E-7},
    {6.747439E-7, 6.594024E-7, 6.4933425E-7, 6.406662E-7, ... , 3.8800902E-8, -5.784907E-7},
    {6.815794E-7, 6.666519E-7, 6.570223E-7, 6.487415E-7, ... , 1.101363E-7, 3.0686465E-8},
    {6.872106E-7, 6.7217263E-7, 6.623231E-7, 6.537369E-7, ... , -2.0722095E-7, -3.3193632E-7},
    {6.8470496E-7, 6.6932984E-7, 6.5930686E-7, 6.5065746E-7, ... , 7.318069E-7, 8.207566E-7}
beta_att_noise_level =
  {-999.0, -999.0, -999.0, -999.0, -999.0}
beta_att_sum =
  {-999.0, -999.0, -999.0, -999.0, -999.0}
cloud_base_heights =
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99}
cloud_calibration_factor =-999.0
cloud_calibration_factor_user =-999.0
cloud_penetration_depth =
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99}
cloud_thickness =
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99}
elevation =9000
fog_detection =
  {-999, -999, -999, -999, -999}
height_offset =
  {-666, -999, -999, -999, -999}
latitude =12.34
layer =
  {-999, -999, -999, -999, -999}
longitude =56.78
merging_region =
    {600.0, 800.0},
    {600.0, 800.0},
    {600.0, 800.0},
    {600.0, 800.0},
    {600.0, 800.0}
module =
  {1, 2}
overlap_function =
  {-999.0, -999.0, -999.0, -999.0, ... , -999.0, -999.0}
precipitation_detection =
  {-999, -999, -999, -999, -999}
range =
  {48.0, 52.8, 57.599999999999994, ... , 17995.19999999999, 17999.99999999999}
range_resolution =4.8
receiver_gain =
    {1.0, 1.0},
    {1.0, 1.0},
    {1.0, 1.0},
    {1.0, 1.0},
    {1.0, 1.0}
sky_condition_cloud_layer_covers =
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99}
sky_condition_cloud_layer_heights =
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99},
    {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99}
sky_condition_total_cloud_cover =
  {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99}
tilt_angle =
    {-999.0, -999.0},
    {-999.0, -999.0},
    {-999.0, -999.0},
    {-999.0, -999.0},
    {-999.0, -999.0}
tilt_correction =
  {-999, -999, -999, -999, -999}
time =
  {1.703070905E9, 1.703070965E9, 1.70307103E9, 1.703071095E9, 1.70307116E9}
vertical_visibility =
  {-99, -99, -99, -99, -99}
monitoring/time =
  {1.703070905E9, 1.703070965E9, 1.70307103E9, 1.703071095E9, 1.70307116E9}
monitoring/laser_power_percent =
    {98.84337, 99.671352},
    {98.629295, 99.243336},
    {98.65019, 99.238316},
    {98.80352, 99.340584},
    {98.67958, 99.093044}
monitoring/window_condition =
  {100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0}