Installation safety - PR53 - PR53GP

PR53GP Installation Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide

This product has been tested for safety. Note the following precautions:

WARNING Process refractometers may be installed in processes that have hot, cold, caustic, or otherwise hazardous liquids. When installing or removing the refractometer from the process, use personal protective equipment (PPE) adequate for the process medium and according to the requirements of the installation site.
WARNING Follow installation safety instructions and use safe lifts and harnesses when doing installation work in heights (above 1.2 m (4 ft)).
WARNING If you have a wash system in place or are planning to install a wash system, make sure to familiarize yourself with safety regulations related to hot steam and water. For more details, see the related wash system user guide.
WARNING Follow local and state legislation and regulations on occupational safety.
CAUTION Do not modify the unit or use it in ways not described in the documentation. Improper modification or use may lead to safety hazards, equipment damage, failure to perform according to specification, or decreased equipment lifetime.
CAUTION Handle the refractometer with care. Damaged or worn contact surfaces may gather dirt and cause contamination in the process.
Wear protective eyewear, gloves, safety helmet, and safety shoes.