Analog output adjustment example - INDIGO201 - INDIGO300

Indigo300 User Guide

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User guide
CAUTION Always switch off the transmitter power supply when connecting or disconnecting screw terminal wiring. Do not energize the transmitter power supply when wiring is not connected.

Always switch the Insight analog output adjustment mode off after testing or adjusting to return the output to normal operating mode. Normal measurement data output is not available in the adjustment mode.

To test and adjust the voltage output level of the transmitter's analog output 1 with Insight:
  1. Switch off the transmitter power supply and open the transmitter cover.
  2. Connect the multimeter wiring to analog output 1 screw terminals and close the transmitter cover.
  3. Power on the transmitter and connect the transmitter to Insight PC software.
  4. To open the calibration menu, select to access Insight main menu. In the main menu, select Calibrate.
  5. Select Analog output 1 and enable the adjustment mode with the Adjustment mode on/off selection.
  6. Start the low point output test with the Output low point button. The analog channel starts to send the low point test output (1 V in this example).
  7. After the low point test output has stabilized, check the multimeter reading. Enter the reading of the multimeter in the Measured value, low point field.
  8. Start the high point output test with the Output high point button. The analog channel starts to send the high point test output (10 V in this example).
  9. After the high point test output has stabilized, check the multimeter reading. Enter the reading of the multimeter in the Measured value, high point field.
  10. Select Activate adjustment to save the corrections to the output level.

    The corrections are shown in the Low point offset and High point offset fields.

  11. To verify that the output level of the transmitter is now accurate, repeat the low point and high point output tests and check that the multimeter reading matches the test output.
    The adjustment date and information about the adjustment can be entered in the Calibration date and Calibration text fields.
  12. Make sure that the adjustment mode is disabled with the Adjustment mode on/off selection and select Close to exit the calibration mode.
  13. Switch off the power supply, remove the multimeter wiring and replace the analog output wiring.
  14. After completing the wiring, close the transmitter cover and switch on the power supply.