Analog output adjustment - INDIGO201 - INDIGO300

Indigo300 User Guide

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User guide
Insight analog output adjustment view

If the analog output appears to be inaccurate, you can test and adjust the output level in the calibration menu of the Insight PC software. Note that each of the 3 analog output channels is adjusted separately. To carry out the adjustment, you need a multimeter (or an alternative method for reading the analog output level) to verify the transmitter test output level.

During the adjustment, the output of the transmitter's analog output channels is forced to a fixed current or voltage level. The adjustment is a 2-point adjustment with a low point test output and a high point test output: the fixed test output levels are listed in Transmitter analog channel fixed test output levels.

Transmitter analog channel fixed test output levels
Current and voltage test output points Fixed test output level
Low point test output for current output 4 mA
High point test output for current output 20 mA
Low point test output for voltage output 1 V
High point test output for voltage output 10 V

Always switch the Insight analog output adjustment mode off after testing or adjusting to return the output to normal operating mode. Normal measurement data output is not available in the adjustment mode.