Connecting Indigo300 to Indigo80 handheld indicator - INDIGO300

Indigo300 User Guide

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User guide
  • 4-mm Allen key, provided
  • M12 - M8 service cable (Vaisala item code 262195)
CAUTION Use only cables provided by Vaisala to connect devices to the transmitter. Attempting to connect incompatible devices or cables can damage the equipment.
CAUTION The service port connection is only intended for temporary use during configuration, and must not be used for permanent installations. The IP rating and EMC properties of the transmitter can be affected when the service port is open.

Upon connecting, the transmitter receives date and time settings from Indigo80.

Connecting Indigo300 transmitter to Indigo80 handheld indicator
M8 connector of the service cable
M12-5F ports on the bottom of Indigo80 for connecting compatible Vaisala devices. Ports are labeled  and .
M12-5M cable connector
M12-5F cable connector
Probe (HMP7) connected to Indigo80, for example, for use as a calibration reference
  1. Open the protective cover of the transmitter service port using the 4-mm Allen key.
  2. Connect the M8 end of the service cable to the service port.
  3. Connect the M12 end of the cable to the desired port on the bottom of the indicator. You can select the port freely based on your set of connected devices.
    • Note the orientation of the cable connector when inserting it
    • Hold the connector in place while turning its locking ring clockwise – never twist the connector body!
  4. Wait for the indicator to detect the transmitter.

    When the indicator recognizes the connected transmitter, it shows a notification on the display. On the transmitter display, the active connection symbol appears.