BMU801 LED modes - AWS310 - AWS310-SITE - AWS810 - AWS810-SOLAR - BMU801

BMU801 User Guide

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User guide
BMU801 LED modes under normal operation
State LED Color/Behavior Description Actions
Battery is fully charged. Battery status LED

Green, steady.

DC power is available. SoC = 100 %. Charging is stopped or in float mode.
Device status LED

Green, blinking.

Battery is charging (DC in connected). 1 Battery status LED

Green, all 3 LED indicators are blinking.

Battery is low. SoC < 40 %.

Green, 2/3 of LED indicators are blinking.

SoC = 40  … 70 %

Green, 1/3 of LED indicators is blinking.

SoC = 70 … 100 %
Device status LED

Green, blinking.

Battery is functional but discharging. Battery status LED


Battery status is OK but there is no DC power available and the system is running on batteries. Battery LEDs are powered off to save power.
Device status LED

Green, blinking.

Battery fault, DC power is unavailable. Battery status LED


System has detected a serious battery failure in one of the batteries.
  1. To see which one of the batteries has failed, short press the Power/Test button. The battery LEDs of the faulty battery start blinking red.
  2. Replace the faulty battery.
Device status LED

Yellow, blinking.

Safe input current limit is exceeded. Battery status LED Displays the last probed battery status. If the input current exceeds 9.5 A for 30 seconds, the output power is temporarily disabled for 2 minutes.
Device status LED

Yellow, steady.

Battery is overheated. Battery status LED

Red, steady. 2

Battery temperature sensing resistor (NTC) has detected an excessive operating temperature.

Battery charging is temporarily paused until the battery temperature is within operational limits again.

Device status LED

Yellow, blinking.

Rotary switch is in unsupported position. Battery status LED


BMU801 is booted with the rotary switch in an unsupported position. Correct the rotary switch position. To confirm the switch position, reboot BMU801 or reset the battery.
Device status LED

Red, blinking.

BMU801 malfunction. Battery status LED


BMU801 is malfunctioning. This state may appear during boot or operation. Replace BMU801.
Device status LED

Red, steady.

BMU801 LED modes during user actions
Action LED Color/Behavior Description
To switch on BMU801, long press the Power/Test button. Device status LED Green steady, and then blank after a short timeout. When the Power/Test button is released, the LED switches to blinking green after a short timeout.
Battery status LED
  1. Current SoC.
  2. Blank, all 3 LEDs.
First the LEDs display the current SoC. If there is no DC power available, the LEDs go into power saving mode (all 3 LED indicators blank).

To check the battery status, short press the Power/Test button.

If no DC power is available, the battery status LEDs are powered off to save power.

The LEDs display the battery status indication for 5 seconds and return to previous state after that.

Battery status LED Green, all 3 LEDs. Battery is full. SoC = 100 %
Green, 2/3 of the LEDs. SoC = 70 … 100 %
Green, 1/3 of the LEDs. SoC = 40 … 70 %
Yellow, 1/3 of the LEDs. SoC = 10 … 40 %
Yellow, 1/3 of the LEDs blinking. SoC = 0 … 10 %. System shutdown soon.
Red, 1/3 of the LEDs. SoC = 0 %. Battery is disconnected. 3
Red, blinking, all 3 LEDs. Battery fault. Battery is disconnected. 3
To switch off the unit, long press the Power/Test button. Device status LED Green blinking, and then blank. When you press the Power/Test button long and the power is on, you are first warned of the shutdown with a blinking green LED. After a short timeout, the LED turns blank. 4
Battery status LED Blank, all 3 LEDs. Power is off.
To reset the battery SoC counter, press the Reset button. Device status LED Yellow, steady, until the battery probing has completed. After the probing has completed, the device status LED displays the current device status.
Battery status LED
  1. Yellow, blinking one by one.
  2. Current SoC.
  3. Blank, all 3 LEDs.
First the battery LED displays an animation for approx. 1 minute, where the 3 LED indicators are blinking yellow one at a time. Then the LED displays the current SoC. If there is no DC power available, the LED goes into power saving mode (all 3 LED indicators blank). 5
1 If solar panel (Solar 1 or Solar 2) is connected, the battery status LEDs are blank and the device status LED is blinking green.
2 Displayed in both battery LEDs, even though only one of the batteries would be overheated.
3 If there are 2 batteries, the system can operate with one battery even if the other one is disconnected.
4 If you release the button before the "long press time" (4 seconds), BMU801 will continue operation.
5 The animation is displayed in both battery LEDs.