M12 pinout and wiring - AQT530

AQT530 Configuration Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide

The M12 connector provides RS-232 and RS-485 serial interfaces.

The 8-pin M12 connector is located on the side of the air quality transmitter and provides power and data to the transmitter.

The following pinout is from the side of AQT530, not the cable.

Figure 1. Pinout of M12 connector
Table 1. Pinout of M12 connector
M12 pin Wire color RS-232 RS-485
1 White Data GND Data GND
2 Brown RX (input)
3 Green TX (output)
4 Yellow No connection (floating)
5 Gray B (-)
6 Pink A (+)
7 Blue Power GND Power GND
8 Red Power 10 ... 25 V DC Power 10 ... 25 V DC
Black Cable GND Cable GND

RS-232 serial interface

The RS-232 interface is used mainly for the maintenance connection.

RS-485 serial interface

The RS-485 interface is used mainly for the data connection.

RS-485 supports Modbus ASCII and Modbus RTU, and ASCII formatted text with comma separated values (CSV).