The zero point adjustment adjusts the zero output signal of the probe and applies simultaneously to all gas measurement parameters (CH4, CO2, and H2O,). This means that, instead of carrying out a 2-point adjustment for each gas measurement parameter separately using a low end and high end reference, the low end adjustment of all gas measurement parameters is replaced with the zero point adjustment.
After carrying out the zero point adjustment, you only need to adjust the high end measurement of each gas measurement parameter when carrying out a 2-point adjustment.
Always use nitrogen as the reference gas for the zero point adjustment. |
- Insert your device into the 0 % reference environment (nitrogen).
- Wait for the signal level to stabilize. You can follow the stabilization from the graph and the numeric value shown above the graph.
- After the signal level has stabilized, select Start adjustment.
- Wait until Insight displays a notification about successful zero point adjustment activation. The adjustment typically takes 2-3 minutes.
- The zero point adjustment is saved automatically after it has been successfully activated. To remove an incorrect adjustment, select Restore factory adjustment.
- For a 2-point adjustment, carry out the high end adjustments for each measurement parameter in the separate adjustment tabs using appropriate references (for example, a 60 % CH4 / 40 % CO2 gas mixture).
The reference gas concentration examples presented here apply to MGP261. When calibrating and adjusting MGP262, refer to the Insight PC software help text instructions for MGP262-specific information. |