Specifications - MGP261 - MGP262

MGP260 User Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide

MGP261 measurement performance

Table 1. Measurement performance
Property Methane CH4 Carbon dioxide CO2 Water vapor H2O
Measurement unit Volume-% Volume-% Volume-%, dew point °C
Measurement range 0–100 vol-% 0–100 vol-% 0–25 vol-%, −10 … +60 °C (14 … +140 °F)
Accuracy at +25 °C (+77 °F) and 1013 hPa 1 2
  • 0–40 vol-%: ±2 vol-%
  • 40–70 vol-%: ±1 vol-%
  • 70–100 vol-%: ±2 vol-%
  • 0–30 vol-%: ±2 vol-%
  • 30–50 vol-%: ±1 vol-%
  • 50–100 vol-%: ±2 vol-%
0–25 vol-%: ±0.5 vol-%
Repeatability 2 ±0.5 vol-% at 60 vol-% ±0.3 vol-% at 40 vol-% ±0.1 vol-% at 2.5 vol-%
Temperature dependence, compensated Compensated, 0–100 vol-%: ±0.1 % of reading/°C Compensated, 0–100 vol-%: ±0.1 % of reading/°C Compensated, 0–25 vol-%: ±0.1 % of reading/°C
Temperature dependence, uncompensated Uncompensated, 0–100 vol-%: -0.9 % of reading/°C Uncompensated, 0–100 vol-%: -0.9 % of reading/°C Uncompensated, 0–25 vol-%: -0.4 % of reading/°C
Pressure dependence, compensated Compensated, 0–100 vol-%: ±0.015 % of reading/hPa Compensated, 0–100 vol-%: ±0.01 % of reading/hPa Compensated, 0–25 vol-%: ±0.06 % of reading/hPa
Pressure dependence, uncompensated Uncompensated, 0–100 vol-%: +0.2 % of reading/hPa Uncompensated, 0–100 vol-%: +0.2 % of reading/hPa Uncompensated, 0–25 vol-%: +0.2 % of reading/hPa
Long-term stability ±2 vol-%/year ±2 vol-%/year ±2 vol-%/year
Start-up time 3 30 s
Warm-up time 4 2 min 5
Response time (T90)

90 s 6

Response time with flow-through adapter

90 s at ≥ 0.5 l/min 6

(recommended: 0.5–1 l/min)

MGP262 measurement performance

Table 2. Measurement performance
Property Methane CH4 Carbon dioxide CO2
Measurement unit Volume-%
Measurement range 0–5 vol-% 0–100 vol-%
Accuracy at +25 °C (+77 °F) and 1013 hPa 7 8

0–2 vol-%:

±0.1 vol-%CH4

2–5 vol-%:

±5% of reading

90–100 vol-%:

±1 vol-%

0–90 vol-%:

±2 vol-%

Repeatability 8 < ±0.1 vol-% at 1% CH4 ±0.4 vol-% at 95 vol-%
Temperature dependence (typical)


0–2 vol-%: ±0.05%CH4

2–5 vol-%: ±0.2%CH4

Compensated, 0–100 vol-%:

±0.4 vol-%


±0.7 % of reading / °C

Uncompensated, 0–100 vol-%:

±0.1 % of reading / °C

Pressure dependence (typical)


0–2 vol-%: ±0.05%CH4

2–5 vol-%: ±0.1%CH4

Compensated, 0–100 vol-%:

±1 vol-%CO2


±0.2 % of reading / hPa

Uncompensated, 0–100 vol-%:

±0.15 % of reading / hPa

Long-term stability

0–2 vol-%:

±0.1 vol-%CH4 / year

2–5 vol-%:

±5% of reading / year

±2 vol-%/year
Start-up time 9 30 s
Warm-up time 10 2 min 11
Response time (T90)

90 s 12

Response time with flow-through adapter

90 s at ≥ 0.5 l/min 12

(recommended: 0.5–1 l/min)

MGP260 series common specifications

Table 3. Inputs and outputs
Property Specification
Operating voltage 18–30 V DC
Power consumption

Typical: 3 W

Maximum: 6 W

Digital output

RS-485 (Modbus RTU)

Analog output 3 × 4–20 mA scalable, isolated
Analog output load

Minimum: 0 Ω

Maximum: 500 Ω

Analog output accuracy ±0.2 % of full scale at 25 °C (77 °F)
Analog output temperature dependence 0.005 %/˚C (0.003 %/°F) full scale
Analog input (optional) 1 × 4–20 mA (Ex ia) for external pressure or temperature sensor 13
Table 4. Compliance
Property Specification

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

EN 61326‑1, industrial environment

Compliance marks

CE, China RoHS, RCM
Ex approval marks EU (ATEX), international (IECEx), US/CAN (cMETus), Japan (CML), UK(UKEX), Korea (KCs) 14
Ex classification

Ex II 1/2 (1) G Ex eb mb [ia] IIB T3 Ga/Gb -40 °C ≤ Tamb ≤ +60 °C

Class I, Division 2, Groups C, D; T3

Table 5. Operating environment
Property Specification
Operating temperature range −40 ... +60 °C (−40 ... +140 °F)
Operating humidity range 0–100 %RH
Storage temperature range −40 ... +60 °C (−40 ... +140 °F)
Storage humidity range 0–90 %RH
Process pressure range −500 ... +500 hPa
Process temperature range +0 ... +60 °C (+32 ... +140 °F)
Process flow range 0–20 m/s
Table 6. Mechanical specification
Property Specification
Weight 3 kg (6.6 lb)
Thread type 1.5" male NPT
Mechanical pressure tolerance 20 bar(g)
Cable lead-throughs

1 × M16×1.5

2 × M20×1.5

IP rating IP66
Probe body AISI316L stainless steel, PPS
Filter cap Sintered PTFE
Table 7. Options and accessories
Item Order Code
Configuration cable (RS-485/USB) 15 257295
Flow-through adapter 258877
Sintered PTFE filter (includes O-ring) DRW249919SP
NPT 1.5" thread test plug 257525SP
1 Excluding cross-interferences to other gases.
2 Accuracy specification at 25 °C (+77 °F) and 1013 hPa including non-linearity, calibration uncertainty, and repeatability; temperature and pressure compensated.
3 Time to first reading
4 Time to specified accuracy
5 At +20 °C (+68 °F) ambient temperature
6 With standard PTFE filter
7 Excluding cross-references to other gases.
8 Accuracy specification at 25 °C (+77 °F) and 1013 hPa including non-linearity, calibration uncertainty, and repeatability; temperature and pressure compensated.
9 Time to first reading.
10 Time to specified accuracy.
11 At +20 °C (+68 °F) ambient temperature.
12 With standard PTFE filter.
13 The optional analog input is galvanically isolated and provides power for the connected external pressure sensor.
14 See product documentation for full Ex classifications for each region.
15 Vaisala Insight software for Windows® available at www.vaisala.com/insight