Calibration overview - MGP261 - MGP262

MGP260 User Guide

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User guide

The methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) measurements of MGP260 can be calibrated and adjusted using gas references with known values. You can also calibrate and adjust the probe's internal temperature measurement (used for environmental compensation only). The H2O measurement can only be adjusted at the low end (simultaneously with CH4 and CO2 when a zero point adjustment is made).

Note that H2O selections apply only to MGP261. When calibrating and adjusting MGP262, the Insight interface options include only MGP262 parameters.

Carrying out calibrations and adjustments requires connecting MGP260 to Vaisala Insight PC software (requires Vaisala USB cable 257295). For instructions on connecting the probe to Insight, see Connecting to Insight software.

To feed reference gases to MGP260 in a controlled manner when calibrating and adjusting, use a flow-through adapter. An MGP260 flow-through adapter is available as an optional accessory: for more information, see Flow-through adapter.

WARNING Before removing the probe from the process for calibration and adjustment, review the instructions in Removing probe from process.
The following calibration and adjustment options are available when the probe is connected to Vaisala Insight PC software:
  • Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement calibration and adjustment (1-point or 2-point adjustments).
  • Temperature measurement adjustment (probe's internal sensor measurement used only for environmental compensation).
  • Zero point adjustment for all gas measurement parameters (CH4, CO2, and H2O: adjusts all parameters simultaneously). Zero point adjustment replaces the low end adjustment of all gas parameters in 2-point adjustments.
  • Reset to factory adjustment (given separately for each parameter).
The accuracy of field calibration and adjustment is dependent on a number of factors such as sufficient stabilization time, calibration setup conditions, and reference quality. To ensure fully accurate calibration and adjustment results, use the traceable calibration and adjustment services provided by Vaisala.