Reserve at least a full day for mechanical installation.
| WARNING Installations must be performed only by people with experience in
installing or working with weather stations. |
| For delivery-specific sensor configurations, see your system description. |
| If your system includes sensors that are not mentioned in this manual, see the manufacturer documentation for more information. |
Install the components in the order presented:
- Overview of mast installation
- Overview of support arm installation
- Overview of sensor installation
- Overview of communication device installation
- Overview of solar panel installation
- Overview of enclosure installation
- Overview of Termbox installation
- Overview of electrical installation
- Overview of connecting power
- Finalizing and checking installation
To configure the weather station after the
mechanical installation, use a laptop with access to the Web UI.
For more information, see AWS810 System Description
(M212417EN) or AWS810 Configuration and Maintenance
Guide (M212419EN).
| WARNING Do not perform
installation or maintenance procedures when there is a risk of thunderstorm or
lightning activity in the area. |
| The installation drawings used in this manual are examples. The installation details may vary depending on the mast. |