Vaisala Automatic Weather Station AWS810 - AWS810

AWS810 Installation Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide

Vaisala Automatic Weather Station AWS810 is a weather data collection system that automatically measures, processes, and stores meteorological data for professional use. The data from AWS810 can be used in a wide range of applications, from meteorological and scientific research to synoptic observation. AWS810 can be operated as a standalone unit, or connected with other compatible Vaisala weather stations to form weather observation networks.

AWS810 weather stations are available as several preconfigured options that are targeted for the most common usage situations and environments. The preconfigured options vary in their mast types and sensor configuration. Further customized configurations are also available, ranging from single-sensor sites to fully equipped weather stations. The configurability of AWS810 is only limited by the maximum number of incoming sensor connections to the data management unit, which handles all observation data.

All observation data from the sensors is collected and processed in DMU801 data management unit. To process the observation data, DMU801 performs advanced algorithm calculations. In addition, DMU801 validates sensor data accuracy using preconfigured criteria before sending the data forward to computers connected over the network, where the data is further processed and displayed to the user. All basic weather observations in AWS810 can be selected with options that follow World Meteorological Organization (WMO) guidelines.

DMU801 has a number of data security features to protect the data. The features include, for example, secure network protocols, secure communication interfaces with industry standard encryption protocols, and dynamic firewall protection. Systematic user management is implemented to prevent unauthorized access, and regular firmware updates are provided for continuous improvements.

AWS810 transmits weather data in the following formats:

  • Plain-text CSV data message
  • Vaisala SMSAWS data message
  • GOES data message

When AWS810 is used as an observation station in the Vaisala Observation Network Manager NM10 system, the data collected from AWS810 can be accessed in NM10 with a browser-based interface. NM10 enables centralized remote monitoring and control of observation stations, and provides a wide range of options for storing, exporting, and visualizing data. Optionally, customer-specific reporting formats are available on request.