Pausing or Resuming Alarming with viewLinc Mobile - viewLinc 5.1

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.1 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.1
Content type
Product description
Product description > Features
Reference information
Document type
User guide

You can pause or resume alarms on a mobile device for the Locations you have permission to view on your desktop display.

  1. Open Table view.
  2. Select the Location you want to pause or resume alarming, then select Options.
  3. To pause alarming, tap Pause Threshold Alarming, Pause Host Alarming, or Pause Device Alarming.
    • Once alarming is paused, it remains paused for one (1) hour.
    • To resume alarming within the hour, repeat these steps and select Resume Threshold Alarming, Resume Host Alarming or Resume Device Alarming.