Setup Checklist - viewLinc 5.1

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.1 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.1
Content type
Product description
Product description > Features
Reference information
Document type
User guide
viewLinc Enterprise Server

A system administrator is available to help me with network and server configuration.

A dedicated network server is allocated to run viewLinc Enterprise Server 24x7. I know its IP address and hostname, and it meets minimum installation requirements.

The server's network connection is to a secure network, and the network type has been appropriately set on the server (Private or Domain, not Public).

I know the address of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server in the network.

My laptop or workstation meets minimum client requirements.

I know where the program files and viewLinc database should be stored. A backup system is in place to make sure the files are recoverable in case of server failure.

I have the required security certificate and key files, or have the information needed to generate a security certificate and key during installation.

I have the USB drive that contains the viewLinc setup files and license key.


I have a plan that lists device serial numbers, mounting and installation information.

IP addresses are allocated for my HMT330 series transmitters and data loggers' network connections (DHCP address reservations or static IPs).

Planned locations of wired devices are within 180 cm (6 feet) distance of power outlets.

I know if drilling or door access is required for probes (for example, freezer installation).


Ethernet network drops with RJ45 jacks are installed and tested at each location where a wired network connection is needed.

A Power over Ethernet (PoE) injector or switch provides operating power at network drops where a PoE powered device will be installed.

(Optional) I have installed a supported modem for SMS notifications.
(Optional) I have an account set up with a voice/SMS web notification service provider (Twilio), and an internet-accessible port available.
Optional License Keys
I have the license key(s) required to enable one or more of the following features:

Voice web service

SMS web service

Modbus devices (non-Vaisala)

Vaisala OPC UA Server