FD70 has a transmitter, a main receiver and a side receiver, depending on the configuration
you have chosen. The following procedure describes the general calibration adjustment steps.
Perform calibration for the main receiver and transmitter, and then perform the same
calibration steps for side receiver and transmitter.
During the calibration adjustment,
measurement data is invalid.
Calibration adjustment
(mode adjust) sets new values related to the scatter measurement and
window contamination measurement.
Requirements for calibration
> 2000 m (6560 ft)
Present weather
Calibration is not recommended in heavy rain or in bright sunshine.
Calibration adjustment is needed:
If the window contamination status is not
OK after window cleaning.
If the calibration check is not OK after
running mode calcheck command.
When the transmitter or receiver module
is replaced.
When the transmitter or receiver hood is
Calibration adjustment has the following
Zero signal measurement
Scatter signal measurement
Scatter measurement adjustment
The result is:
Pass: the calibration adjustment is valid
Fail: the calibration adjustment is not
valid. If it fails several times, contact Vaisala.
If you cancel the process at any point, the
previous values are restored.
Before you start, check the opaque glass of the calibrators and clean them if
Opaque glass
Be careful not to scratch the
calibrators, especially the opaque glass. Damaged calibrators have a negative effect on
the calibration.
Establish a maintenance connection to FD70.
Type the following commands:
level 2
mode adjust
For the side receiver, type the
following command:
mode adjust 2
Follow the onscreen instructions.
When prompted, do the following.
Using low pressure, spray 50 % isopropyl alcohol on the glass windows. Spray enough
solution to dissolve and loosen any dirt.
Wipe the window with a soft, lint-free cloth until the window is clean.
Take a new cloth and wipe the window until it is clean.
Wait until the windows are dry.
During window cleaning, keep the
interface unit door closed.
CAUTION Do not use pressure
CAUTION Be careful not to
scratch the window surfaces or touch the measurement unit windows with bare
If the clean window check passes
after window cleaning, the current clean window reference is not changed and
adjustment can continue to calibration check.
If the clean window check fails after
2 successive cleaning attempts, follow the onscreen prompts and either choose to set a
new clean window reference and continue (type Y), or cancel the adjustment
(type N).
When prompted for Calibrator Signal Value, type the 4‑digit value.
The same value is printed on the
calibrator certificate, on the calibrator labels, and the calibrator case.
When prompted to install the calibrators with zero signal plates, remove the protection
caps from the transmitter and receivers.
Attach the calibrators with zero signal plates on the transmitter and receiver.
There is a dedicated calibrator for the
transmitter and one for the receivers. Check the labels on the calibrators to make sure
that you attach them correctly. The following figures show the calibrator attachment
process for the main receiver and the side receiver.
Side receiver
Main receiver
Calibrator for transmitter (labeled)
Calibrator for receivers (labeled)
Zero signal plate (2 pcs)
Thumb screw (2 pcs / calibrator)
Side receiver
Main receiver
Calibrator for transmitter (labeled)
Calibrator for receivers (labeled)
Zero signal plate (2 pcs)
Thumb screw (2 pcs / calibrator)
The system performs zero signal
The limit is ±0.012 for the main receiver and ±0.04 for the side receiver.
If the zero signal measurement
fails, eliminate all possible reflections and external light sources.
When prompted, remove the zero signal plates.
The system performs scatter signal
Adjust the scatter measurement.
Verify the scatter measurement.
The scatter measurement passes if
the scatter signal value is within 3 % of the calibrator signal value.
If the signal measurement fails, try
calibration adjustment again (mode adjust, mode adjust
2). If measurement fails several times, contact Vaisala.
After completing the calibration adjustment for the main receiver, repeat the process
for the side receiver.
When done, remove the calibrators, reattach the protection caps on the transmitter and
receivers, and close the maintenance connection.
The calibration adjustment date is stored in
the system as metadata.