Droplet fall speed distribution - FD70

FD70 Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide

Droplet fall speed distribution is reported in 26 speed classes. Each class represents the number of droplets over the time period of 60 seconds.

In addition, kinetic energy (in J/m2 × h is reported. With CR and LF included the length is 139 characters. In the example below, the line is cut in 2 groups for clarity. The first line of the group is the sample data, second one represents the corresponding data element fields. A character position ruler is printed below on grey.

123.456  100  200  300   50   20   11    5    4    0    0    0    0    0
kkkkkkk B001 B002 B003 B004 B005 B006 B007 B008 B009 B010 B011 B012 B013 
         1         2         3         4         5         6         7    
   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0CRLF
B014 B015 B016 B017 B018 B019 B020 B021 B022 B023 B024 B025 B026CRLF
45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678   9
      8         9         0         1         2         3 

The droplet count value range is 0 … 9999 (no leading zeros).

The bin width is 0.4 m/s.

Droplet fall speed distribution is reported in MES 8.

Kinetic energy
Position Name Example Description Value range (J/m2 × h)
1 … 7 kkkkkkk 123.456 Kinetic energy 0.000 … 999.999
Droplet fall speed distribution
Position Name Example Bin Mean (m/s) Droplet fall speed range (m/s)
9 … 12 B001 100 1 0.2 0 … 0.4
14 … 17 B002 200 2 0.6 0.4 … 0.8
19 … 22 B003 300 3 1.0 0.8 … 1.2
24 … 27 B004 50 4 1.4 1.2 … 1.6
29 … 32 B005 20 5 1.8 1.6 … 2.0
34 … 37 B006 11 6 2.2 2.0 … 2.4
39 … 42 B007 5 7 2.6 2.4 … 2.8
44 … 47 B008 4 8 3.0 2.8 … 3.2
49 … 52 B009 0 9 3.4 3.2 … 3.6
54 … 57 B010 0 10 3.8 3.6 … 4.0
59 … 62 B011 0 11 4.2 4.0 … 4.4
64 … 67 B012 0 12 4.6 4.4 … 4.8
69 … 72 B013 0 13 5.0 4.8 … 5.2
74 … 77 B014 0 14 5.4 5.2 … 5.6
79 … 82 B015 0 15 5.8 5.6 … 6.0
84 … 87 B016 3 16 6.2 6.0 … 6.4
89 … 92 B017 0 17 6.6 6.4 … 6.8
94 … 97 B018 0 18 7.0 6.8 … 7.2
99 … 102 B019 0 19 7.4 7.2 … 7.6
104 … 107 B020 0 20 7.8 7.6 … 8.0
109 … 112 B021 0 21 8.2 8.0 … 8.4
114 … 117 B022 0 22 8.6 8.4 … 8.8
119 … 122 B023 0 23 9.0 8.8 … 9.2
124 … 127 B024 0 24 9.4 9.2 … 9.6
129 … 132 B025 0 25 9.8 9.6 … 10.0
134 … 137 B026 0 26 > 10 10+
138 CR Carriage return (0x0D)
139 LF Line feed (0x0A)