Establish a maintenance connection to FD70.
Change the user level:
If your system has identification of freezing precipitation with HMP155, you can enable
and disable the measurement. To enable HMP155 measurement data, type the following
set com3.hmp155.data ON
To disable the measurement, use the
setting OFF. The message shows slashes (/////) to
indicate missing or invalid measurement values.
If your system has background luminance sensor LM21 connected, you can enable and
disable the sensor measurement.
To enable LM21 measurement data, type the following command:
set com3.lm21.data ON
Alternatively, if you have day / night switch connected, you can enable and disable
day / night value for background luminance field with command:
set io1.daynightinput.data ON
To disable the measurement, use the setting OFF. The message shows
slashes (/////) to indicate missing or invalid measurement values.
| Only either com3.lm21.data or
io1.daynightinput.data should be configured
ON, not both. |
For a description of the FD70 measurement
settings and limits, see FD70 Technical Description