Message 7 (MES 7) - FD70

FD70 Configuration and Maintenance Guide

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User guide

MES 7 is a Vaisala proprietary message format.

In FD70, MES 7 can be used without framing or, for backwards compatibility, with FD12 framing, PWD framing, and FS11 framing. This means that MES 7 contains optionally a FD12, PWD, or FS11 header and footer, and a message body. If you want a checksum, FS11 is the only option.

MES 7 message body contains 3 or 4 lines:

  • The first line is of fixed length. It contains overall status information, and visibility, precipitation, present weather, temperature, and background luminance information.

  • The second line contains present weather and the third line contains recent weather according to the WMO code table 4678 (METAR) format. The lines are not of fixed length because METAR codes can be combined in many ways. It is normal for these lines to be empty.

  • The optional fourth line contains detailed status and alert data on the device and its components. The line is a fixed length ASCII string with more than 120 characters. Each character position values follow the principle; 0 = OK, I = Indication, W = Warning, A = Alarm. The line ends with CRLF like lines 1-3. Depending on the need, the user can either enable or disable the line over user interface.

MES 7 message data fields

ah visii visia pty wi wa wh iii.ii aaa.aa ssss ttt.t bbbbbCRLF
<present METAR>CRLF
<recent METAR>CRLF
MES 7 message data fields
Position Name Description Value/Range
Line 1
1 a Reserved Fixed 0 (zero)
2 h

Overall alert

0 = OK

1 = Alarm

2 = Warning

4 - 8 visii MOR, 1-minute average in meters 0 … 99999
10 - 14 visia MOR, 10-minute average in meters 0 … 99999
16 - 18 pty Precipitation type (NWS code), consists of precipitation type and intensity identifier
16 p

First letter of 2-digit precipitation type

Otherwise SPACE

A … Z, (Space)
17 t Second letter of 2-digit precipitation type or 1-digit precipitation type A … Z
18 y Intensity identifier

+ (plus) = Heavy

− (minus) = Slight

(Space) = Moderate

20 - 21 wi Present weather instant (1 min) (SYNOP: WMO table 4680) 0 … 99
23 - 24 wa Present weather 15 min (SYNOP: WMO table 4680) 0 … 99
26 - 27 wh Present weather 1 h (SYNOP: WMO table 4680) 0 … 99
29 - 34 iii.ii Precipitation intensity (mm/h) 0.00 … 999.99
36 - 41 aaa.aa Precipitation accumulation (mm) 0.00 … 999.99
43 - 46 ssss Snow accumulation (mm) 0 … 9999
48 - 52 ttt.t Ambient temperature (°C) −99.9 … 99.9
54 - 58 bbbbb Background luminance (cd/m2) 1 0 … 99999
59 CR Carriage return 0x0D
60 LF Line feed 0x0A
Line 2
present METAR

Present METAR according to METAR WMO table 4678

Variable length, 0-12 characters

See FD70 weather codes (SYNOP/METAR/NWS).
CR Carriage return 0x0D
LF Line feed 0x0A
Line 3
recent METAR

Recent METAR according to WMO table 4678

The prefix RE stands for "recent"

Variable length, 0-8 characters

See FD70 weather codes (SYNOP/METAR/NWS).
CR Carriage return 0x0D
LF Line feed 0x0A

MES 7 alerts

MES 7 shows only warnings and alarms. MES 7 does not show the lowest severity status, information (I).

The first alert character (in position 1) is a MOR alarm. It is not used and the value is always 0.

The second alert character (in position 2) is a hardware alert. It uses hardware and maintenance alerts:
  • 2 for warning, if the overall status is W.
  • 1 for alarm, if the overall status is A.
  • 0 in other cases.

Example of MES 7 without framing

00 15256 10394 RS- 67 67 72   0.16  46.82  443   0.3 12345CRLF

Example of MES 7 with framing

SHFD  ASX00 15256 10394 RS- 67 67 72   0.16  46.82  443   0.3 12345CRLF
Missing or invalid values are indicated with slashes (/////).
Example MES 7 data fields
Value Explanation
0 − (not used)
0 Overall alert status normal
15256 MOR, 1-minute average in meters
10394 MOR, 10-minute average in meters

Precipitation type (NWS code), consists of precipitation type and intensity identifier

RS = Rain (or drizzle) and snow

− = Slight

67 Present weather instant (1 min) (SYNOP): rain (or drizzle) and snow, slight
67 Present weather 15 min (SYNOP): rain (or drizzle) and snow, slight
72 Present weather 1 hour (SYNOP): snow, moderate
0.16 Precipitation intensity (mm/h)
46.82 Precipitation accumulation (mm)
443 Snow accumulation (mm)
0.3 Ambient temperature (°C)
12345 Background luminance (cd/m2)
-RASN Present METAR according to METAR WMO table 4678: Rain (or drizzle) and snow, slight
RESN Recent METAR according to METAR WMO table 4678: snow
1 The measured background luminance value is displayed in cd/m2 only if Vaisala LM21 Background Luminance sensor is connected to FD70. If a day/night switch is used, the background luminance value displays the switch state (0 = night, 1 = day). When not connected, the field has slashes (/////).