MES 8 is a Vaisala proprietary message format.
In FD70, MES 8 can be used without framing or, for backwards compatibility, with FD12 framing, PWD framing, and FS11 framing. This means that MES 8 contains optionally a FD12, PWD, or FS11 header and footer, and a message body. If you want a checksum, FS11 is the only option.
MES 8 message body contains 3 to 6 lines:
The first line is of fixed length. It contains overall status information, and visibility, precipitation, present weather, temperature, dew point, relative humidity, and background luminance information.
The second line contains present weather and the third line contains recent weather according to the WMO code table 4678 (METAR) format. The lines are not of fixed length because METAR codes can be combined in many ways. It is normal for these lines to be empty.
- The optional fourth line contains reflectivity and droplet size distribution. Can be enabled or disabled using the messages.mes8.line4enable setting.
- The optional fifth line contains kinetic energy and fall speed distribution. Can be enabled or disabled using the messages.mes8.line5enable setting.
- The optional sixth line contains detailed status and alert data on the device and its components. See Message 7 (MES 7).
MES 8 message data fields
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ om visii visia pt1 pt2 rrr wi wa wh iii.ii aaa.aa ssss ttt.t ddd.d hhh.h bbbbbCRLF
<present METAR>CRLF
<recent METAR>CRLF
rrrrr B001 B002 B003 B004 B005 B006 B007 B008 B009 B010 B011 B012 B013 B014 B015 B016 B017 B018 B019 B020 B021 B022 B023 B024 B025 B026 B027 B028 B029 B030 B031 B032 B033 B034 B035 B036 B037 B038 B039 B040 0041CRLF
kkkkkkk B001 B002 B003 B004 B005 B006 B007 B008 B009 B010 B011 B012 B013 B014 B015 B016 B017 B018 B019 B020 B021 B022 B023 B024 B025 B026CRLF
Position | Name | Description | Value/Range |
Line 1 | |||
1–20 | yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ | Date and time | − |
22 | o | Overall hardware alert |
0 = OK W = Warning A = Alarm |
23 | m | Overall maintenance alert |
0 = OK I = Info W = Warning A = Alarm |
25–29 | visii | MOR, 1-minute average in meters | 0–99999 |
31–35 | visia | MOR, 10-minute average in meters | 0–99999 |
37–39 | pt1 | Most dominant Precipitation Type (NWS code) | See NWS code field pt1 and pt2 details . |
41–43 | pt2 | 2nd dominant Precipitation Type (NWS code) | |
45-47 | rrr | Reserved | Always /// |
49–50 | wi | Present weather instant (1 min) (SYNOP) | 0–99 |
52–53 | wa | Present weather 15 min (SYNOP) | 0–99 |
55–56 | wh | Present weather 1 h (SYNOP) | 0–99 |
58–63 | iii.ii | Precipitation intensity (mm/h) Calculated over last minute. |
0.00–999.99 |
65–70 | aaa.aa | Precipitation accumulation (mm) | 0.00–999.99 |
72–75 | ssss | Snow accumulation (mm) | 0–9999 |
77–81 | ttt.t | Ambient temperature (°C) Instant value, updated every 10 seconds |
−99.9 … 99.9 |
83–87 | ddd.d | Dew point temperature (°C) Instant value, updated every 10 seconds |
−99.9 … 99.9 |
89–93 | hhh.h | Relative humidity (%) Instant value, updated every 10 seconds |
0–999.9 1 |
95–99 | bbbbb | Background luminance (cd/m2) | 0–99999 |
100 | CR | Carriage return | 0x0D |
101 | LF | Line feed | 0x0A |
Line 2 | |||
− | present METAR |
Present METAR according to METAR WMO table 4678 Variable length, 0-12 characters |
See FD70 weather codes (SYNOP/METAR/NWS). |
− | CR | Carriage return | 0x0D |
− | LF | Line feed | 0x0A |
Line 3 | |||
− | recent METAR |
Recent METAR according to WMO table 4678 The prefix RE stands for "recent" Variable length, 0-8 characters |
See FD70 weather codes (SYNOP/METAR/NWS). |
− | CR | Carriage return | 0x0D |
− | LF | Line feed | 0x0A |
Line 4 | |||
1–5 | rrrrr |
Reflectivity (dBZ) |
−9.9 … 99.9 |
7–210 | B001 - B041 | Droplet size distribution in size classes 1 - 41 | 0–9999, no leading zeros |
211 | CR | Carriage return | 0x0D |
212 | LF | Line feed | 0x0A |
Line 5 | |||
1–7 | kkkkkkk | Kinetic energy | 0.000–999.999 J/m2 ✕ h |
9–137 |
Droplet fall speed distribution |
138 | CR | Carriage return | 0x0D |
139 | LF | Line feed | 0x0A |
If only one precipitation type or no precipitation is identified, it is reported as most dominant (pt1). Fields pt2 = ///.
Position | Name | Description | Value/Range |
37, 41 | p |
In case of 2-digit NWS Code: First letter of the code. In case of 1-digit NWS Code: SPACE. |
38, 42 | t |
In case of 2-digit NWS Code: Second letter of the code. In case of 1-digit NWS Code: Code. |
A–Z |
39, 43 | 1, 2 | Intensity descriptor | +, -, SPACE |
The overall FD70 hardware alert (position 22) in MES 8 does not display any information level alerts. It does not display changes in heating activity. |
Example of MES 8 without framing
The actual message does not contain line feeds except where indicated with CRLF. |
2019-06-19T12:37:00Z 00 15256 10394 R- S- /// 67 67 67 0.16 46.82 443 0.3 1.2 88.9 /////CRLF
-19.1 21 22 25 11 9 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0CRLF
123.456 100 200 300 50 20 11 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0CRLF
Missing or invalid values are indicated with slashes (/////). |
Value | Explanation |
2019-06-19T12:37:00Z | Date and time |
0 | Overall hardware alert status normal |
0 | Overall maintenance alert status normal |
15256 | MOR, 1-minute average in meters |
10394 | MOR, 10-minute average in meters |
R− |
Precipitation type (NWS code), consists of precipitation type and intensity identifier R = Rain − = Slight |
/// | Missing (reserved) |
/// | Missing (reserved) |
67 | Present weather instant (1 min) (SYNOP): rain (or drizzle) and snow, slight |
67 | Present weather 15 min (SYNOP): rain (or drizzle) and snow, slight |
67 | Present weather 1 hour (SYNOP): rain (or drizzle) and snow, slight |
0.16 | Precipitation intensity (mm/h) |
46.82 | Precipitation accumulation (mm) |
443 | Snow accumulation (mm) |
0.3 | Ambient temperature (°C) |
1.2 | Dew point temperature (°C) |
88.9 | Relative humidity (%) |
///// | Background luminance (cd/m2) |
-RA | Present METAR according to METAR WMO table 4678: Rain (or drizzle) and snow, slight |
RERE | Recent METAR according to METAR WMO table 4678: snow |
−19.1 | Reflectivity |
21 22 25 11 9 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | Droplet size distribution |
123.456 | Kinetic energy |
100 200 300 50 20 11 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | Droplet fall speed distribution |