FD70 spare parts - FD70

FD70 Configuration and Maintenance Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide
FD70 measurement unit spare parts
FD70 measurement unit spare parts
Number Spare part Order code
1 Transmitter module for FD70 FST301SP
2 Transmitter hood for FD70 FSTHOOD-SP
3 Receiver module for FD70 FSR301SP
4 Receiver hood for FD70 FSRHOOD-SP
5 Temperature sensor for FD70 FSTEMP-SP
6 Plastics spare part set (includes protection caps for transmitter and receivers, and protective cover) FSPLASTIC-SP
7 Field calibrator kit for FD70 (includes calibrator equipment, FD70 tool kit, maintenance cable, laptop shelf) FDA701
8 / 9 FD70 measurement unit, or FD70 measurement unit with optional present weather reporting functionality Contact Vaisala Sales
10 Standard mast cable for FD70 (between measurement unit and interface unit) 10 m (33 ft) FSCABLE10
11 Standard mast cable for FD70 (between measurement unit and interface unit) 4 m (13 ft), for 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in) and 3.5 m (11 ft 6 in) poles FSCABLE4
12 Standard mast cable for FD70 (between measurement unit and interface unit) 5 m (16 ft) FSCABLE5

The controller module is not a field-replaceable part. Contact Vaisala Service Center.

FD70 interface unit spare parts (electronics)
FD70 interface unit spare parts (enclosure)
FD70 interface unit spare parts
Number Spare part Order code
1 Protection module plug 230 V 254404SP
2 Protection module plug 120 V 254598SP
3 Protection module socket 254402SP
4 Surge protection unit QSP431 (for data) QSP431SP
5 Surge protection unit (for Ethernet) 227770
6 AC power supply board FSP103SP-FD70
7 Backup battery 4592SP
8 Battery charger assembly for FD70 (including QBR101C, battery holder, and cabling) FDCHARGER-SP
9 Leased line modem DXL421 DXL421SP-FD70
10 Maintenance cable, standard Ethernet cable 2 m (6.6 ft) 252541
11 Radiation shield for FD70 interface unit ASM212789
12 Cabling box for FD70 interface unit ASM212792
13 Mounting frame for FD70 interface unit ASM212790
14 Interface unit mounting bracket for mast FSFM230‑330A (mast diameter 86 mm / 3.39 in) FS010582
15 Interface unit mounting bracket for mast FSAM250 (mast diameter 75 mm / 2.95 in) FS010710
16 Interface unit enclosure (including feedthrough flange, AC/DC powering parts, and motherboard) FSI300-SP
17 Termination box (junction box with surge protection) TERMBOX-1222
18 AC (mains) power switch (2P circuit breaker) FD244789SP

The interface unit enclosure spare part FSI300-SP contains only the enclosure and powering parts (excluding protection module plug).

FD70 masts
Spare part Order code
Frangible mast sample volume height 2.3–3.3 m (7 ft 7 in–10 ft), red and white FSFM230-330A
Aluminum mast sample volume height 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in), gray FSAM250
FD70 spare parts for external sensors
FD70 spare parts for external sensors
Number Spare part Order code
1 Radiation shield for Vaisala HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP155 DTR13
2 Sintered Teflon filter for Vaisala HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP155 219452SP
3 Cable for Vaisala HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP155 HMP155FSCABLE-SP
4 Vaisala HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP155 with additional T-probe HMP155-FD70SP
5 Cable for Vaisala Background Luminance Sensor LM21 LM21FSCABLE-SP
6 Field calibrator for Vaisala Background Luminance Sensor LM21 LMA21
7 Vaisala Background Luminance Sensor LM21 LM21PSP
8 Obstruction Light QOL111, visible red light source QOL111
9 Obstruction Light QOL112, visible red and infrared (IR) light source QOL112
All optical products also include 10 pcs of lint free soft towel for optics cleaning, 15907SP.