Data types - MD30

MD30 Interface Description

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Technical description

The following data types and ranges are available. The data is reported in the SEND DATA message.

Table 1. Data types
Data type Format Description
Grip f32

Grip value

Range: 0.09–0.82

Missing data: NaN

Water layer thickness 1 f32

Water layer thickness

Range: 0–60 mm (0–2.36 in)

Missing data: NaN

Ice layer thickness 1 f32

Ice layer thickness

Range: 0–60 mm (0–2.36 in)

Missing data: NaN

Snow layer thickness (water equivalent) 1 f32

Snow layer thickness (water equivalent)

Range: 0–60 mm (0–2.36 in)

Missing data: NaN

Surface temperature f32

Measured road surface temperature

Range: —40 ... +60 °C or —40 ... +140 °F

Missing data: NaN

Air temperature f32

Measured air temperature

Range: —40 ...  60 °C or —40 ... +140 °F

Missing data: NaN

Dew point temperature

Dew point temperature

Range: —40 ... +60 °C or —40 ... +140 °F

Missing data: NaN

As dew does not form in freezing conditions, dew point value is not relevant when it is below 0 °C (+32 °F).

Frost point temperature f32

Dew / frost point temperature (dew point reported above freezing conditions, frost point reported in freezing conditions)

Range: —40 ... +60 °C or —40 ... +140 °F

Missing data: NaN

In freezing conditions, instead of dew point, the relevant value for understanding the risk of frost (ice) formation is frost point

Relative humidity f32

Measured relative humidity

Range: 0–100 %RH

Missing data: NaN

1 Measurement accuracy is affected when layer thickness reaches a specified limit. For the limits, see MD30 datasheet.