Basic measuring steps with HM70 - HM70

HM70 Quick Guide

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User guide
If taking measurements in a pressurized environment, make sure that the air pressure setting of HM70 is correct. See Setting actual pressure value and unit.

After configuring the MI70 basic settings as instructed in MI70 first start-up settings, you can proceed to take measurements with HM70.

  1. Remove the yellow transport protection cap from the probe head.
  2. With the MI70 indicator power switched off, connect the HMP75/HMP76/HMP77 probe cable to either of the connector ports of MI70.

    Rotate the metal ring around the cable connector clockwise until it tightens up.

  3. Switch MI70 on by pressing the Power On/Off button.
  4. Install the probe in the measurement environment.
  5. The basic display opens. Let the measurement reading stabilize.
  6. For options on recording measurement data or examining the data as a graph, see Displays and menus.
CAUTION Handle the probe carefully. Strong impact or falling can damage the probe.

If you need to disconnect the probe from the indicator, first press the Power On/Off button to switch the indicator off. This ensures that all settings and data are saved properly.

When disconnecting the cable, first loosen the metal ring by turning it counterclockwise and then pull out the connector.

  • If your probe includes the chemical purge option (available in HM70 series probe versions B), remember to carry out chemical purge regularly.
  • In case there is a risk of condensation, use the optional preheat when installing the probe. The feature is available in HM70 series probe versions B.

See the HM70 User Guide (M210297EN) for more information.