Computer with Windows operating system and Vaisala Insight software installed
Vaisala USB cable 219690 for connecting
the probe to Insight
for checking the analog output reading (connect in series to measure the current
Note that configuring these settings requires using Insight in Advanced Mode.
You can test the current (mA) output level of the transmitter
with a multimeter, and adjust the output level (2-point adjustment) if necessary.
CAUTION Always switch
Test mode off after testing to return the analog outputs to normal
operating mode. The transmitter does not output measurement data when the analog outputs are
in test mode.
Switch to Advanced Mode in the Settings menu.
Select > Calibrate > Yes to switch the probe to calibration mode.
Select the analog output you want to test (Analog Output 1[2]).
Follow the instructions in the Insight interface to carry out required output tests and adjustments.