Overview of touchscreen interface - AP10

AP10 User Guide

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User guide

Touchscreen interface is the most convenient way to set up the access point, and available for use whenever physical access is available. For remote management, use the web interface or viewLinc Enterprise Server.

Touchscreen interface does not provide measurement results or graphs, and it does not communicate any threshold alarms.

Home screen

Figure 1. Touch interface home screen

Home screen provides an overview of the connection status of the access point. The screen is split into three parts:

  • Top: number of currently connected data loggers. Touch to browse through their information.
  • Middle: access point IP address and status. Touch the symbol to open the Settings screen. If the symbol is marked with a lock, you must enter the password before you can view and change the settings.
  • Bottom: status of viewLinc Enterprise Server connection.

Connected data loggers

Figure 2. Touch interface data logger information screen

Data logger information screen shows connection and battery level status of each data logger that is connected to this access point. Last connection is the amount of time since last successful contact with the data logger.

After a data logger has been out of contact for more than 32 minutes, it will be removed from the list of connected data loggers. Since the access point only removes one data logger from the list during one scan cycle, data loggers that are out of contact may remain on the list even longer. It is possible for data loggers to be listed on more than one access point simultaneously when they are changing access points.


Figure 3. Touch interface settings menu.

Settings screen provides local access to most of the access point's settings. Some advanced functions, such as firmware update, are only available using the web interface.