Flushing DGA monitor - OPT100

OPT100 User Guide

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User guide
  • Container for mineral oil or synthetic ester liquid
Follow these instructions to flush a DGA monitor that has been installed to a natural ester filled transformer if you need to store the device for a longer period of time. The maximum recommended storage time is 1 month.

Natural ester liquid is prone to oxidation and polymerization. To avoid hardened natural ester liquid sticking inside the monitor during storing time, flush the monitor with mineral oil or synthetic ester liquid.

  1. Insert the DGA monitor oil pipes or hoses into a container filled with mineral oil or synthetic ester liquid.
  2. Install and perform initializing according to OPT100 Installation Guide (M211857EN).
  3. Let the monitor operate normally for approximately 4 to 5 h. This removes residuals of natural ester liquid from the monitor.
  4. Stop the measurement.
  5. Run the forced uninstall procedure. See Forcing uninstallation.