Setting date and time - OPT100

OPT100 User Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide
Figure 1. Date and time settings page

DGA monitor uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) internally. Time and time stamps in the user interface are shown according to the time zone of the connecting web browser.

  1. Connect to the user interface as the Admin user.
  2. In the user interface, select Settings > General.
  3. To set date and time manually:
    1. Select Set time manually.
    2. Select or enter the current date into Date. The format is yyyy-mm-dd.
    3. Enter the current time into Time. The field is in 24-hour clock notation in format hh:mm.
    4. Select Apply to save the set time.
  4. To set up time synchronization with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server:
    NTP synchronization requires that the network connection is configured and the IP address of the NTP server is reachable.
    1. Select Use NTP.
    2. Enter the IP address of the NTP server into NTP server.
    3. Select Apply to start time synchronization.
      Status of time synchronization is shown below the NTP server field. If the status shows Connecting... and does not progress to Synchronizing time... even after waiting for a minute, verify that the network connection is working and configured, and the IP address of the NTP server is correctly entered.
    4. Wait for the message Time successfully synchronized to appear.
  5. To set up time synchronization using DNP3 protocol:
    1. Enable and configure the DN3 protocol.
    2. Select Use DNP3.
    3. Select Apply to start time synchronization.