Sampling oil - OPT100

OPT100 Installation Guide

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User guide
The sampling valve is installed into the intake oil line. The listed materials are recommendations for rigid pipe sampling setup. To avoid contamination, use full metal piping components that are compatible with the transformer insulation liquid. Do not use any solvents when cleaning the components.
If you are adding a sampling valve for flexible hoses, add a t-connector and a lockable valve at a convenient location in the intake oil line. You may need to acquire custom length flexible hoses. Make sure there is enough space around the valve to take samples.
Figure 1. Recommended sampling valve setup
Oil intake line
Lockable valve
Plug connection (optional)
  • T‑connector (For example, Swagelok SS-10M0-3)
  • Valve (lockable)
  • Pipe material
  • Nuts and ferrules
  • Plug, nut and ferrules
  • Trace heating and insulation material
  • Compressed air
  1. Prepare the sampling valve setup. For recommended setup, see Figure 1.
    To make the sample valve setup easy to use and to minimize liquid spillage when using the sample valve setup, loop the pipe.
  2. Clean any metal shavings from inside the pipes using pressurized air.
  3. Install the sampling setup into the intake oil line. Make sure there is enough space around the valve to take samples.
  4. Close and lock the valve.
  5. Ensure adequate heating and insulation on the exposed piping if you are using the device with synthetic ester liquid or if it is necessary to use heating and insulation due to a cold climate for a device with mineral oil.
  6. Plug the pipe to avoid contamination.
  7. Make sure the connections are properly tightened.