Sounding preparation phases and schedule - RS41-SG - RS41-SGP

RS41 Ozone Soundings User Guide

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User guide

The chemicals involved in an ozone sounding can be harmful, and must be handled with proper care. To ensure your working safety, take all the necessary precautions before beginning the preparations for a flight.

Read the sensor manuals carefully.

Follow the local laboratory work practices, regulations, and waste management guidelines.

Use disposable gloves to avoid dust and other contaminants. The gloves must be lint-free and made of artificial fabric or plastic. Note that the RSA411/RSA412 Ozone Interface Kit does not include gloves.

Perform the preparations preferably at temperatures +20 ... +30 °C.

Preparing an ozone sounding consists of the following steps.

More detailed preparation instructions are given in GAW Report No. 201 Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Ozonesonde Measurements in GAW Annex A.

The ASOPOS panel recommends using the following as sensing solutions:

SPC6A: 1.0%, KI, full buffer (STT1.0)

DTM: 0.5% KI, half buffer (SST0.5)

The recommendation is only meant for new ozone sounding stations. The existing stations that perform long-term measurements must not change their sensing solution type or ECC type.

In GAW Report 268, the ASOPOS panel recommends recording 2 different background currents. IB2 is not recommended anymore.

  • IB0: after 10 minutes of ozone-free air before exposure of ozone.
  • IB1: after 10 minutes of ozone-free air after exposure of ozone (5 μA ozone equivalent of 170 - 180 ppbv).
  • IB2: at launch site after 10 minutes of ozone-free air.
IB2 has been used for Vaisala IBG = I0, in Vaisala scripts with MW41 sounding software. The latest ASOPOS recommendation in GAW Report 268 is to enter IB0 background current (before exposure to ozone) into the software when background current value is requested.