Preparation steps on the day of release - RS41-SG - RS41-SGP

RS41 Ozone Soundings User Guide

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User guide
The CAL measurements are applicable when SPC’s TSC-1 Ozonizer/Test unit is used. You can ignore them with the KTU-3 ozonizer.
  1. Write down the following information:

    Date: ________ Station:_________ Operator: __________

    Ozonesonde number: _______________

    Manufacturer: _______________

    Date of manufacture: _______________

  2. Change cathode solution in SONDE (S) and CAL (calibrator, C; with TSC-1 only) sensors:

    S: _______ ml

    C: _______ml

    The ASOPOS panel recommends the following:

    1. Dump both solutions carefully (cathode and anode).
    2. Recharge cathode cell with 3.0 cm3 cathode solution.
    3. Recharge anode cell with 1.5 cm3 anode solution.
  3. Condition SONDE (S) and CAL (C; with TSC-1 only) NO O3 for 10 minutes.
  4. Sensor’s background currents (< 0.2 μA. ASOPOS recommendation 0.05 μA):

    ibc = _______ μA

    ibs= ________ μA (<0.05 μA; defined as IB0 by ASOPOS)

  5. Condition SONDE and CAL (with TSC-1 only) sensors with 5±0.2 μA O3 for 5 minutes.
  6. After 5 minutes of conditioning with about 5 μA O3:

    ic = μA ________ is = μA________

    With NO O3, check the sensor response test:

    i0.51c: = ________μA i0.5s: μA ________0.5 minute

    i1c: = ________μA i1s: μA ________1 minute

    i2c: = ________μA i2s: μA _______ 3 minutes

    i3c: = ________μA i3s: μA _______ 5 minutes

    i10c: = ________μA i10s: μA ______ 10 minutes (equals to IB1)

    Record cell current at t = 0, 0.5, 1, 3, 5, and 10 minutes (as recommended by ASOPOS i10s = IB1 background current).

    Computed for calibration acceptance check out:

    (ic-ibc) tc = ________ (is-ibs) ts = ______ (agree to within 5%. If necessary, take corrective action to get the desired result. See Science Pump Corporation’s Operator’s Manual for further instructions.)

    i1c = ________ <0.20 (ic-ibc)______

    i1s = ________ <0.20 (is-ibs)______

    or, alternatively with DMT ozonizer:

    i1s = _______ <0.20 (is-IB1)

  7. Continue running the SONDE with ozone-free air, and connect the air flow meter to the exhaust port of the cathode cell.


    SONDE sensor air flow rate:

    ts =________ , ________ , ________ , ________ , ________ s

    CAL sensor air flow rate (with TSC-1 only):

    tc =________ , ________, ________ , ________ , ________ s

    Troom = ______°C; Proom =______ hPa; RHroom = ______%