Summary of calculated ozone data.
Column name | Type | Description |
SOUNDINGIDPK | String | Unique sounding ID |
DATASRVTIME | String | Data server [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff] |
INTEGRATEDOZONE | Double | Ozone accumulated up to the sounding termination [DU] (Dobson Unit) |
RESIDUALOZONE | Double | Estimated residual ozone above the termination level [DU] (Dobson Unit) |
SENSORTYPE | String | Sensor type code |
INTERFACETYPE | String | Ozone interface type (Undefined, OIF, or OIF92) |
SERIALNUMBER | String | OIF serial number |
OIF: diagnostic word OIF92: 0 |
BGCURRENTCORRMETHOD | String | Background current correction method |
OIF: null OIF92: method for smoothing measured data |
CALIBRATIONPRESSURE | Double | Applied calibration pressure [hPa] |
BGCURRENT | Double | Sensor background current [uA] |
SOLUTIONVOLUME | Double | Cathode solution volume [cm3] |
OZONEPRIORSTART | Double | Ozone at the surface level prior to the launch [DU] (Dobson Unit) |
PRIORSTARTMEASDURATION | Double | Surface ozone measurement duration [min] |