Use the ASEL command to show or set the output measurement parameter ("quantity") and the scaling of the analog output.
ASEL [quantity] [lowlimit highlimit]<cr>
- quantity
- Quantity that is output on the analog channel: TDF or TFDA.
- lowlimit
- The low limit of the output scaling in Celsius. Must be lower than high limit.
- highlimit
- The high limit of the output scaling in Celsius. Must be higher than low limit.
Example (show current settings):
Quantity : TDF
Level Lo : -20
Level Hi : 40
Example (change output quantity to TDFA):
>asel tdfa
Quantity : TDFA
Saving settings...done
Level Lo : -20
Level Hi : 40
Example (change output to TDF, low limit to -10 and high limit to 30):
>asel tdf -10 30
Quantity : TDF
Saving settings...done
Level Lo : -10
Saving settings...done
Level Hi : 30
Saving settings...done