Use the RHCAL command to perform a one-point or two-point humidity (RH) calibration.
When performing a one-point calibration, you need to place the transmitter in a single humidity reference with RH < 50%. Run the command and enter the exact RH of the reference after the measurement has stabilized. Exit the command by pressing the ESC key before proceeding to the second point (see the first example below). To update the value, press ENTER without inputting a value.
For two-point calibration, the first point requires a RH < 35% humidity reference, the second point must be RH > 50%.
Example (one-point calibration):
RH: 11.278554 Ref1 ? 11.3
Press any key when ready
Saving settings...done
Example (two-point calibration):
RH: 11.278554 Ref1 ? 11.3
Press any key when ready
RH: 75.091213 Ref2 ? 75
Saving settings...done