WMT700 data message 24 - WMT700

WMT700 Series User Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide

WMT700 data message 24 reports wind measurement and self-diagnostics data. The checksum is included in the message. WMT700 calculates the checksum by applying 8‑bit XOR for all bytes between checksum calculation start point and end point. The result is printed as a 2‑digit hexadecimal value.

Name Description
\ss Checksum calculation start point, not shown in the message
$ Fixed text
\ws Wind speed, average
\wd Wind direction, average
\wp Wind speed, maximum
\wm Wind speed, minimum
\Ts Sonic temperature
\vh Heater voltage
\vi Supply voltage
\ta Transducer temperature
\er Status code. The code is a decimal number. Each bit corresponds to a status flag.
\se Checksum calculation end point, not shown in the message
\sp Print checksum (to verify message integrity)
WMT700 data message 24 does not include a device ID and therefore does not support polling.


Wind speed, average 3.45 m/s
Wind direction, average 76.03°
Wind speed, maximum 3.58 m/s
Wind speed, minimum 3.37 m/s
Sonic temperature 21.97 °C
Heater voltage 23.8 V
Supply voltage 23.6 V
Transducer temperature 23.8 °C
Status code 0
Checksum D4