Items for data messages - WMT700

WMT700 Series User Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide

The user-configurable data messages can contain wind measurement, control character, check sum, and monitoring items. Configure new data messages with the msg1, msg2, msg3, and msg4 parameters. All available items are listed in the following tables.

Table 1. Wind measurement items for data messages
Item Description
\ad Address
\dm Wind direction minimum calculated over the averaging period
\dx Wind direction maximum calculated over the averaging period
\gu Wind gust speed
\lu Wind lull speed
\rg Signal quality
\st Speed of sound
\Ts Sonic temperature
\Tz 10 s average of sonic temperature
\va Validity of the measurement data. The available values are:1 = Valid wind measurement data0 = Unable to measure
\w1 Wind direction when the peak speed (\wp) occurred
\wd Wind direction, average
\wm Wind speed minimum calculated over the averaging period
\wp Wind speed maximum calculated over the averaging period
\ws Wind speed, average
\wx Wind speed average, x component
\wy Wind speed average, y component
Table 2. Control character
Item Description
\01 SOH (start of heading)
\02 STX (start of text)
\03 ETX (end of text)
\04 EOT (end of transmission)
\cr CR (carriage return)
\lf LF (line feed)
\se Checksum calculation end point
\sp Print checksum
\ss Checksum calculation start point
Table 3. Monitoring items for data messages
Item Description
\er Status code. The code is a decimal number. Each bit corresponds to a status flag. For a list of the bits, see Status flags
\fb 0 = No error

1 = Blocked sensor

\fh 0 = No error

1 = Heater failure. Incorrect heater resistance.

\fs 0 = No error

1 = Wind speed exceeds operating limits

2 = Sonic temperature exceeds operating limits

3 = Wind speed and sonic temperature exceed operating limits
\ft This value indicates temperature sensor failures when converted to binary format:

Bit 0 = Temperature sensor 1 failure

Bit 1 = Temperature sensor 2 failure

Bit 2 = Temperature sensor 3 failure
\fv 0 = No error

1 = Supply voltage (Vh or Vi) too high

2 = Supply voltage (Vh or Vi) too low
\pa Average heating power
\ra Heater resistance
\ta Transducer temperature
\ti Internal temperature
\vh Heater voltage
\vi Supply voltage


In this example a new data message with identification number 1 is defined. The items included in the message are average wind speed, average wind direction, and supply voltage. S msg1,$\ws,\wd,\vi\cr\lf

When the above message is polled, WMT700 sends the following data if the average wind speed is 5 m/s, the average wind direction is 128 degrees, and the supply voltage is 23.4: $05.00,128,23.4<CR><LF>


In this example the data message 2 is set to include the following items:

  • SOH
  • Checksum calculation start point
  • Wind speed, average
  • Wind direction, average
  • Wind gust speed
  • Wind lull speed
  • Wind direction minimum
  • Wind direction maximum
  • Wind direction during the peak speed (wp) occurred
  • Checksum calculation end point
  • EOT
  • Print checksum
  • CR
  • LF
S msg2,\01\ss$\ws,\wd,\gu,\lu,\dm,\dx,\w1\se\04\sp\cr\lf

WMT700 sends the following message that starts with the SOH character which is excluded from the checksum. The checksum ends before the EOT character. The checksum (in this case, D8) is printed after the EOT character.


The non-printable characters are shown above as ┌ ┘and <CR><LF>.