Two-point temperature adjustment - HMP155

HMP155 User Guide

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User guide
In the active output version of HMP155, temperature (T) and additional T-probe temperature (Ta) both can be calibrated and adjusted.
In the passive output version of HMP155, you cannot adjust the temperature.
The difference between the 2 temperature references must be at least 30 °C. The additional temperature sensor is suitable for calibration in liquid bath.
  1. Press the HMP155 ADJ button to enable the adjustment mode.
    The green LED on the probe lights up. If you use a warmed probe for measuring, probe heating is interrupted when you press ADJ.
  2. Wait some time for the probe to reach ambient temperature.
  3. Type the CT command (or CTA for the additional T-probe) and press ENTER.
  4. Press ENTER a few times to check if the reading is stabilized. Let the reading stabilize, type the reference temperature after the question mark and press ENTER 3 times.

    Example of 2-point adjustment:

    T   :  18.6038 1. ref ?
    T   :  18.6068 1. ref ?
    T   :  18.6098 1. ref ? 19.0
     Press any key when ready ...
    T   :  49.5176 2. ref ? 50.0
  5. Move the probe into another reference temperature and let the reading stabilize. Type the reference temperature after the question mark and press ENTER.

    OK indicates that the adjustment has succeeded.

  6. Type the calibration information (date and text) to the probe memory.
    See commands CTEXT and CDATE.
  7. Reset the probe with the RESET command.