WAC155 converts the digital data that is supplied by Vaisala WA15 series wind sensors into standard serial line messages. The transmitter consists of a component board in a junction box and a cross arm for mounting the wind sensors.
WAC155 communicates with the system through a 2‑wire RS‑485 cable. The standard electrical and mechanical sensor connections are for WA15 wind set anemometers and wind vanes.
WAC155 also provides electrical input for Thies anemometer (4.3351.00.000) and analog vane (4.3150.00.141). However, these sensors are not directly mountable to the sensor cross arm.
The system supplies power to the wind sensors through the transmitter. The input operating voltage is 9 ... 31.5 VDC. The transmitter also provides the sensors with a throughput for heating power. The unit automatically connects the heating power at a certain temperature.
The main features of WAC155 are:
- Communication with NMEA 0183 -compliant protocol over RS‑85 serial bus with configurable ID, baud rate, and turnaround delay
- Measurement of the wind parameters using the instant method according to WMO recommendations
- Computing of wind data average values with adjustable averaging time
- Service connection for configuration and maintenance
- Heating control of sensors with adjustable temperature limits