WAC155 User Guide

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User guide

WAC155 monitors wind sensor movement to detect if the sensors appear to be stuck in place. To configure this functionality, use the SETALR command.

If SETALR is activated and parameters dir, spd, and calm are set to other value than 0, the sensors are cross-checked for movement. If one sensor moves and the other does not for a certain period of time, the motionless sensor is considered stuck.

SETALR [active] [dir] [spd] [calm] [dirlimit] [spdlimit] [sdpvoltlimit] [dirvoltlimit] <value><cr>
active Enables the diagnostics for wind sensor movement, 0 or 1. Default value: 0.
dir Timeout for wind direction change in seconds. Range: 0 ... 256. Default value: 60.
spd Timeout for wind speed change in seconds. Range: 0 ... 256. Default value: 60.
calm Calm timeout in minutes. Defines how long both sensors may be static until considered stuck. Range: 0 ... 65535. Default value: 1440.
dirlimit Threshold limit for wind direction change in degrees. If the wind direction change is below the threshold, direction is considered unchanged. Range: 0 ... 180. Default value: 3.
spdlimit Threshold limit for wind speed change in m/s. If the wind speed change is below the threshold, speed is considered unchanged. Range: 0.0 ... 10.0. Default: 0.0.
sdpvoltlimit Threshold limit for minimum current taken by the anemometer (roughly in 50 mA units). Below the limit, the sensor is considered absent and MWV speed value is given as null field (,,). Setting spdvoltlimit = 0 deactivates the function. Default value: 0.2.
dirvoltlimit Threshold limit for minimum current taken by the wind vane (roughly in 50 mA units). Below the limit, the sensor is considered absent and MWV direction value is given as null field (,,). Setting dirvoltlimit = 0 deactivates the function. Default value: 0.2.
value Value for the option
If you have an old version of WAC155 (L47101 or older) and a new version of WAV151 (L47101 or newer), you must change the dirvoltlimit value to 0.15.

Typical commands:

SETALR ACTIVE 1 (activates the alarm functionality)

SETALR DIR 60 (alarm if wind vane is static for 60 seconds)

SETALR SPD 60 (alarm if anemometer is static for 60 seconds)

SETALR CALM 1440 (alarm if both sensors are static for 24 hours)

For WA25 series sensors, you must deactivate the functionality of the following parameters by setting the parameter value to 0:
  • spdvoltlimit
  • dirvoltlimit
Deactivating the SETALR command does not deactivate sdpvoltlimit or dirvoltlimit. You must deactivate them separately.


>setalr active 1 
       ACTIVE   = 1
       DIR   = 60
       SPD   = 60
       CALM   = 1440
       DIRLIMIT=   3
       SPDLIMIT=   0.0
       SDPVOLTLIMIT   = 0.2
       DIRVOLTLIMIT   = 0.2