For information on the electrical properties of the 4 input switches, see Connecting the sensor to the indicating transmitter. To see which switches are closed, check the DESCRIPTION menu. To configure the switches, follow the instructions below.
Select switch, 1, 2, 3 or 4, to be configured.
The Switch menu shows the following options.
Select SENSOR to assign the chosen switch to a given sensor.
The selection line automatically goes to the currently valid setting. In the following figure, switch 1 has been assigned to sensor A. -
To set the switch function, select Switch > FUNCTION.
The current assignment of the switch is shown at the bottom of the Switch menu display. For example, in the previous figure, switch 1 is assigned to sensor A with function WASH STOP. Function name Description 1 NOT DEFINED
Factory setting
When used with a built-in wash relay, this function is useful for an intermittent process: the prism is washed when the process stops (as indicated by contact closure). The wash is repeated when the process restarts (if the stop lasts over 60 s). The signal is on hold between washes.When used with an external independent timer, contact closure holds the output signal.
Switch closure prevents wash cycle. It can be used to prevent wash action when the process pipe is empty. The message WASH STOP displays when a wash cycle is initiated.
At switch closure the system waits for an external wash command before initiating wash. 5 SCALE SELECT
Any chemical curve and associated field calibration scale can be selected by switch closure. The scales are assigned to each switch independently. 6 CALIBRATION SEAL
Contact closure prevents access to calibration and configuration ("external password"). Can be used to seal the calibration. -
If you chose SCALE SELECT as switch function, select Switch > SCALE CHEMICAL to enter the parameters for the chemical curve assigned to the
For more information on chemical curves and chemical curve parameters, see Chemical curve.
If necessary, the chemical curve assigned to a switch can be adjusted by field
calibration parameters. Select Switch > SCALE FIELD to enter the parameters.
For more information on field calibration and field calibration parameters, see Field calibration.