Configuring mA outputs - PR-23 - PR-23-AC - PR-23-AP - PR-23-GC - PR-23-GP - PR-23-M - PR-23-RP - PR-23-SD - PR-23-W

PR-23 Series User Guide

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User guide

For the electrical properties of the 2 output signals, see Connecting indicating transmitter.

  • Go to Main > CALIBRATION. Enter a password if necessary. Go to CALIBRATION > OUTPUTS > mA OUTPUTS.
  • Select the mA output, 1 or 2, to get to the Output menu (as shown in the following figure) where the output can be configured.
    The line at the bottom of the Output menu display indicates the current configuration of the selected mA output, for example, in the following figure the mA Output 1 has been configured to send the concentration reading of Sensor B.
    Output menu for mA Output 1
  • To change the sensor the selected output is assigned to, select SENSOR in the Output menu.
  • To change output source for the selected output, select SOURCE.
    Selecting NOT DEFINED ’turns off’ the selected output.
  • The ZERO value sets the value when the signal is 4 mA. The default zero value is 0.00, the unit depends on the source and display unit set for the sensor in question (and can thus be for example 0 BRIX or 0 °F).
  • The SPAN sets the range, which is the value given when the signal is 20 mA.

    Example: If your measurement unit is CONC% and you want to measure the range 15 … 25 CONC%, first choose concentration as mA output source. Then set the zero value at 15 and span at 10. This means that the output signal is 4 mA at 15 CONC% and 20 mA at 15+10=25 CONC%. To change this output to range 10 … 30 CONC%, change zero to 10 and span to 20 (10+20=30).

  • DEFAULT OUTPUT sets a mA default output value that the instrument returns to in certain malfunction situations. The value can be set to a low or high mA value, for example, 3.0 mA or 22 mA. The factory setting for default output is 3.4 mA. For a list of malfunctions that are affected, see Diagnostic message priorities.
    NAMUR is an international association of users of automation in process industries. The association recommendation NE 43 promotes a standardization of the signal level for failure information. The goal of NE 43 is to set a basis for proactively using transmitter failure signals in process control strategies. Using these failure signals, instrument faults are separated from process measurements.

    NAMUR NE 43 uses the 3.8 … 20.5 mA signal range for measurement information, with ≥21 mA or ≤3.6 mA to indicate diagnostic failures (see the following figure). With that information, it is easier to detect a failure condition on a refractometer, for example, it clearly tells you whether you have an empty pipe or a failed instrument.

    Default mA output values
  • SEC DEFAULT MODE and SEC DEFAULT allow you to set a secondary mA output value for empty pipe (message NO SAMPLE) to differentiate it from the other messages that cause the measurement to revert to default mA. By default the secondary mA output is disabled.
  • MANUAL SET allows you to set different output values to check the output signal. Press BACK to return normal output function.
    If you want to turn off the mA output, select NOT DEFINED in the SOURCE menu.