LiCl-NaCl adjustment - HMT130

HMT130 User Guide

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User guide
Complete the steps listed in Adjusting RH and T with MI70 handheld indicator before continuing with this adjustment option.
  1. Remove the filter from the transmitter's probe and insert the probe head into the LiCl salt chamber.
  2. Press ADJUST to continue adjusting.
  3. Choose LiCl-NaCl autom. from the MI70 adjustment menu and press SELECT. Press OK to accept the note telling about references.
  4. Press READY when the reading has stabilized in the LiCl salt chamber (can take 30 minutes or more). You can follow the stabilization from the GRAPH display.
  5. Remove the probe from the LiCl salt chamber and insert the probe head into the NaCl salt chamber.
  6. Press READY when the reading has stabilized in the NaCl salt chamber (can take 30 minutes or more). You can follow the stabilization from the GRAPH display.
  7. Confirm the adjustment by pressing YES (by pressing NO you return to adjustment mode display and no changes are made).
  8. The adjustment is done. Press BACK and EXIT to return to the basic display.
  9. Turn off the MI70 and detach the connection cable.