5.2 Known issues and fixes - viewLinc 5.2

viewLinc 5.2.x, November 2024 Errata

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
Known Issues
Area Description Fix Version
Alarms If you are using the web-relay script SetWebRelay.bat with your quad relays, do not enable repeat notifications or acknowledge the same alarm multiple times, as this can cause your system’s alarms to fail to turn on or off.
If the system has a historical data is unrecoverable alarm that is still in Active status, the alarm has to be acknowledged twice before it is cleared. Fixed in Service Update 1
Notifications (email, SMS, and voice) for the new provisional threshold alarms do not indicate that the alarm is, in fact, a potential alarm condition and not an actual alarm. Fixed in Service Update 1
If a device with a missing probe is connected to viewLinc and the channels of the device are linked to Locations, viewLinc incorrectly produces a Database Validation alarm at each restart.

When a Location uses Fahrenheit units with 0 decimal places as its alarm threshold, rounding issues may prevent the threshold alarm from being generated.

Workaround: Set Locations that use Fahrenheit units to use 1 decimal place more than the required accuracy. This is can be by editing the System Preferences or the Location properties.

When HMT140 loggers are used with viewLinc, the External configuration changed alarm may incorrectly be raised. The false alarm may be sent multiple times.
The original host's Host Configuration Alarm and Host Communication Alarm will be missing from the Alarm report if the logger moves to a different host (DL logger with physical Host PC, and RFL logger with AP10 host).
When using Windows 365 for email authentication, the "send from" report always shows the verification was done via SMTP method and not Windows 365.

The Event Details for device alarms list the Affected Locations, but that is not an accurate description. If a device has an alarm, such as a calibration alarm, the Event will list all Locations that are connected to that device, even though the alarm may only be relevant to one probe and its linked Location.

Unlinking or linking a probe will clear any active device alarms for other probes/channels on the same device. For example, if there is a device with two probes, one of which has an active calibration alarm, unlinking the other probe from its Location automatically clears that alarm. Similarly, if a probe is newly linked to a Location, other linked probes on the same device will have their calibration alarms cleared.

System If you are using an OPC Server, it is strongly recommended that you only use a single client, as multiple clients can cause performance issues.
After migrating to viewLinc 5.2, it's possible that the signal towers will no longer appear in viewLinc UI.

To correct this issue, contact Service and they will provide you with a utility to fix it.

Fixed in Service Update 1
The next calibration date for devices cannot be set from the channel; instead, you must change the next calibration date by editing the properties of the device.

Prior to migrating to viewLinc 5.2, ensure that all active and deactivated user profiles have their full names filled out. After migration, no changes can be made to a user's information or group membership if that user's full name is not filled out in the down-level version.

Fixed in Service Update 1
It's possible that comments, if they are set to required, will not appear after a user makes a change to the viewLinc system.
When using the REST API interface, setting a date duration (for example, 6 days or 7 hours 15 minutes) for the/rest/v1/locations_history date_from parameter causes an exception. Only an epoch value (seconds) can be used with the parameter.
When a user unsuccessfully attempts to login to a deactivated user account, the event log incorrectly indicates that the login was successful.
It is possible that viewLinc will display a 1-day discrepancy for device calibration dates; that is the calibration date may be displayed as 1 day earlier than expected. This can occur in areas where the local time zone is behind UTC, for example North America. Fixed in Service Update 1
The default Active Directory LDAPs port is listed as 686 in the tooltip and documentation instead of the correct port: 636. Fixed in Service Update 1
UI When using the viewLinc mobile app with the Chrome browser for iOS or Android, the icons for Sites view, Locations view, and Alarms view, on the top right corner of the screen, are not visible.
When multiple alarms are being acknowledged at the same time, the animated progress bubbles may continue even after the alarm acknowledgment completes successfully. Fixed in Service Update 1
Reports In version 5.2, if there is unrecoverable data, the trend graph in the viewLinc UI will show a gap but the Location History report graph will show an unbroken line for the same period. Fixed in Service Update 1
In version 5.2, if there is a large number of data points in a single Trend graph, threshold lines may not be displayed. Fixed in Service Update 1
If you upgrade to viewLinc 5.2 and there are any alarm records that contain Asian or non-English characters, it is possible that some alarm reports will fail. Upgrading to Service Update 1 will correct this issue. Fixed in Service Update 1

Support Contacts

Vaisala Helpdesk: helpdesk@vaisala.com

Vaisala Support Portal: www.vaisala.com/support

viewLinc Errata and Service Update Guide: www.vaisala.com/viewlinc-errata