RFL100 firmware version 1.4.0 - RFL100

RFL100 Firmware Release Notes

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Release notes

Support for GMP251 Carbon Dioxide Probe.

Release date: July 2021

New features and improvements

  • CO2 measurement mode to support the GMP251 probe. CO2 mode supports the following probe combinations:
    • CO2 probe only.

    • CO2 probe and temperature probe.

    • CO2 probe and temperature + relative humidity probe.

  • CO2 mode, measurement ranges, and resolutions:
    • CO2 in range 0–19.9 % with 0.1 % resolution
    • Temperature in range −40 … +60 °C with 0.1 °C resolution
    • Relative humidity in range 0–100 %RH with 0.1% resolution

Compatibility with AP10

  • Tested compatible with all AP10 revisions when used in single probe mode.
  • If the RFL100 is used in dual-temperature probe mode, ensure that AP10 firmware version 3.0.0 or newer is used.
  • If used in CO2 mode, ensure that AP10 firmware version 4.0.0 or newer is used.

Compatibility with viewLinc Enterprise Server

  • Tested compatible with viewLinc Enterprise Server versions 5.0.x and 5.1.x.
  • If used with viewLinc 5.0.x, manually add the "percentage CO2" unit in the System Preferences > Units page.

Compatibility with RFL100 hardware

  • If used in CO2 mode, the software requires RFL100 hardware revision Z. Revision Z is identifiable by:
    • 5 V / 1 W printed instead of 5V / 500mW in older revisions.
    • The second digit is "J” in device configuration code (xJxxxxxxxxxxxx)
  • If used in temperature or humidity modes, all older RFL100 hardware revisions are compatible.

Firmware upgradeability

  • Devices using older hardware than revision Z should only be updated if they will NOT be used in CO2 mode.
  • Downgrade to the previous firmware version once you have upgraded the data logger is NOT recommended.