PTB330 specifications - APA501

Vaisala AviMet Pressure Altimeter System System Description

Document code
Document type
Technical description
PTB330 measurement performance
Property Class A Class B 1
Barometric pressure range 500–1100 hPA
Linearity 2 ±0.05 hPa ±0.10 hPa
Hysteresis 2 ±0.03 hPa ±0.03 hPa
Repeatability 2 ±0.03 hPa ±0.03 hPa
Calibration uncertainty 3 ±0.07 hPa ±0.15 hPa
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) 4 ±0.10 hPa ±0.20 hPa
Barometric pressure range 50–1100 hPA
Linearity 2 ±0.20 hPa
Hysteresis 2 ±0.08 hPa
Repeatability 2 ±0.08 hPa
Calibration uncertainty 3 ±0.15 hPa
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) 4 ±0.20 hPa
Temperature dependence 5
500–1100 hPa ±0.1 hPa ±0.1 hPa
50–1100 hPa ±0.3 hPa ±0.3 hPa
Total accuracy −40 … +60 °C (−40 … +140 °F)
500–1100 hPa ±0.15 hPa ±0.25 hPa
50–1100 hPa ±0.45 hPa
Long-term stability
500–1100 hPa ±0.1 hPa/year ±0.1 hPa/year
50–1100 hPa ±0.2 hPa/year ±0.2 hPa/year
Pressure units hPa, mbar, kPa, Pa inHg, mmH20, mmHg, torr, psia hPa, mbar, kPa, Pa inHg, mmH20, mmHg, torr, psia
Resolution 0.01 hPa 0.1 hPa
Settling time at startup (1 sensor) 4 s 3 s
Response time (1 sensor) 2 s 1 s
Acceleration sensitivity Negligible
Maximum pressure limit 5000 hPa absolute
Maximum measurement rate 6 10 Hz
PTB330 inputs and outputs
Property Description/Value
Supply voltage 10–35 V DC
Supply voltage sensitivity Negligible
Typical power consumption at +20 °C (+68 °F) (voltage at 24 V DC with 1 pressure sensor)

RS‑232: 25 mA

RS‑485: 40 mA

Output voltage Uout: 25 mA

Output current Iout: 40 mA

Serial communication RS-232, RS‑485, RS‑422
PTB330 operating environment
Property Description/Value

Operating pressure

500–1100 hPa, 50–1100 hPa

Operating temperature

PTB330 without display: −40 … +60 °C (−40 … +140 °F)

Operating humidity

0–100 %RH, non‑condensing

Storage temperature

PTB330 without display: −55 … +80 °C (−67 … +176 °F)

IP rating

IP66: Dust-tight. Protected from powerful water jets from any direction.

PTB330 mechanical specifications
Property Description/Value
Pressure fitting Barbed fitting for 1/8-inch (inside diameter) tubing or quick connector with shutoff valve for 1/8‑inch hose
Pressure connector M5 (10‑32) internal thread
Housing material G AlSi10 Mg (DIN 1725)
Weight 1–1.5 kg (2.2–3.3 lb)
PTB330 compliance
Property Value

EU directives and regulations

RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU) as amended by 2015/863

EMC Directive (2014/30/EU)

Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/EU), applies to units equipped with single-phase AC power supply Power-1

Electrical safety

EN 61010-1:2010 + A1:2019, applies to units equipped with single-phase AC power supply Power-1

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

EN 61326‑1, industrial environment

EN 55011:2009 + A1:2010


EN IEC 63000:2018

1 Class B not available.
2 Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of endpoint non-linearity, hysteresis, or repeatability error.
3 Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of inaccuracy of the working standard including traceability to international standards.
4 Defined as the root sum of the squares (RSS) of endpoint non-linearity, hysteresis error, repeatability error, and calibration uncertainty at room temperature.
5 Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of temperature dependence over the operating temperature range.
6 For class A you need a longer averaging time or measurement interval.